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Alexa's Pov

She loves me,I know she does despite her denying it....I love her sister or not ....I don't deserve it I don't ,I'm guilty it's choking me ,I've kept lots of thing from her in the name of protecting her but no I've only hurt her more,I'm a liar ,I know ,you're free to crucify me okay....when we were young  we were best friends but then once mom started favoring me more I shunned her,Juliet has a heart of gold,she sarcastic ,rude,bitchy but above all she's kind and caring ,she'd take it upon herself to help you when you're in need whole heartedly and I'm extremely jealous of her ,I've been jealous of her for years now it's literally spilling out of me.She has an explosive personality that makes her not to take shit from anyone but me I can't defend a cat for the life of me,that's what got me in this sticky situation I'm in right now.

My mother has had a major say in my life for years,I didn't mind at first,it started bugging me as I grew older and anytime I brought it up with her she'd talk me into letting her take care of me or so she referred to her manipulative behaviour, what brought it to life was when she talked me into marrying my husband,my mom controls me,she took it upon herself to unravel me all of me,she knows my icks,what ticks me,what makes me happy but what she uses to control me is the jealousy I have of my sister.She knows I love freedom yet she snatched that away right from under my feet ,I loathe her for it so much,if you hand me a gun I'll kill her myself with her petty husband I'll kill them both and ill gladly spend eternity in jail for it,....Jules doesn't know what kind of torture she escaped what mom served her was only a taste I got the full bottle plus more of what she can do.

She made me marry the devil himself, Micah Black....haha!,my granny knows the Blacks well,she warned me but did I listen to her No,I had to play being a good daughter to my mommy ,look at me now wishing I could reverse time and say a big ass No at that stupid alter.....the minute I stepped foot in his domain I lost my title "human",I signed myself over to be a slave without knowing it ,and a slave I am,the lowest of the low,the one to be stepped on,spit on,ordered on,to be used like a whore,to be beaten blue and black and to be hidden where no eyes can see me cause I'm not worth looking at,I'm living the life,I'm a queen right a dirt queen,well I'll have to continue playing the part a docile little bitch for now.i am my mother's daughter after all,Micah doesn't know what is coming for him,mother made the wolf in me to force its way out ,once she noticed it she beat it into submissiveness but Micah oh Micah he's created a rogue wolf an uncontrollable one.

Jules is untamable I know that,I know she's not naive like she usually pretend to be ,she knows me inside out and it only took one glance at me to know that I am a beast a raging one at that ,she though,she's an Alpha female a silent one at that ,she is like my granny in many ways, she's a king she is my king I can't tell her that though, you can already guess why,....I must take my crown back,I'm ready to kill for it and the first person to experience the feel of my blade on their skin is Teresa,she'll love it I'm sure.

Im to meet with her in less than an hour,I'm so ready for it,Teresa and Paul have it coming ,I hope one beats me to serving my revenge first,getting up to prepare myself I throw on a red dress pairing it with black hills,a black poach and a black trench coat on before heading out.

Just as I anticipated she made reservations in one of her favourite restaurants, I head in a butler offers to take my coat deciding to keep it on I deny the offer,upon seeing me Teresa frowns at my attire,I smirk,I dressed this way fully aware it will get under her skin,people openly gawk at me,I look sexy and for once I feel confident with my self,..

"Teresa,"I address mom,she frown again ,"Alexandia hello,why are you dressed like that," she asks...choosing to ignore her I order myself a drink ..

'I believe I just asked you a question ,"

"I felt like it mother, why does it bother you that much,its just a dress,"

'Just a dress, have you seen yourself you look like a hooker,"she angrily replies,just as I'm about to reply to her Jules beats me to it,what is she doing here?

"Alexa,you look hot girl ,"she gushes over my outfit,I feel good after she compliments me,its like I'm looking for approval and praise from her,what the fuck man since when did her opinion matter to me,why I'm I only noticing this now,anger bubbles within me,she can't take this away from me,I came for revenge I planned this shit out.

"I believe you owe me Teresa,you owe Alexa an explanation too,time to pay up " she says,what is she talking about,we both turn to Teresa who looks pale dare I say, something seems off,what's happened since we last talked or since I was thrown into a dungeon that I've been allowed out off just for  a few hours,actually now that I look at her she's grown thinner,she looks less elegant too.

"I came for my birthright,I believe you have it with you,"Jules says,
"Birthright, what Birthright,what the hell happened while I was gone,"I direct my question to Jules,

"What happened is I found our that I'm not your sister,I'm your cousin and that I'm queen bow to me bitch,"she sasses at me,I lightly laugh,leave it to her to sass at everything, that's just Jules to you

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