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Knowing mom well I figure she will stomp her way into my room so she can have the last say,hearing footsteps behind me I assume it's her so I prepare to slam the door at her face,turning around I'm surprised to see Alexa with an unreadable expression on her face,
"I'm really not in the right state of mind to talk with you right now Alexandria" I inform her.
"Juliet,I'm sorry," she tries to apologise but I'm not having it,I'm down to the last of my nerves and  I will snap any moment from now,I laugh mockingly....
"Sorry? sorry?!are you fucking with me right now,we talk on a daily basis Alexa,you were with me yesterday begging me to show up here couldn't you have informed me then,you've had lots of chances to tell me this yet you decided to wait for mom to drop the bomb at me,I thought we are close sister I're the last person I expected to go behind my back,I...I don't know what to say or what to think right now ,just go I'm tired..."I turn my back on her and flop on the bed,I expect her to leave but she still hungs around...
"atleast tell me you're not being forced to marry that guy ,are they forcing you?,I ask her
"no,I'm not being forced into this,I've known that guy for a while now and he treats me well,better than I expected,I'm not saying he's perfect but he fits me,I love him Jules"she says
"What is his name,is he cute?"
"his name is Micah,he's one of the blacks,"..I stare Alexa with my mouth hanging open..."he's what,"..."damn girl,I hope you survive life in the limelight, that family is stinking rich from what I know, the press follows them everywhere, be careful Alexa,now get the hell out of my room I'm sleepy.."she smiles and leaves whispering a goodnight to me that I blatantly ignore,don't look at me like that,I'm mad at her.I find it hard to fall asleep,lots of thoughts on my mind and I'm sooo prepared to leave early in the morning

I wake up before dawn,do my business in the bathroom before going downstairs, no one is a wake yet,this is perfect I can leave without being forced to say goodbye...I hail a bus back to my place already feeling tired and the day is only starting,I have my shift today gaawds!!,I'll have to force a smile and a cheery attitude all day long,can't complain though I'm pretty damn sure that I can win an Oscar award with my acting skills,I'm pretty slick...the restaurant is already buzzing with life when I get there,I'm five minutes late  that earns me an eyeroll from some of my colleagues, I chirp goodmorning to all of them on my way to the changing room...
"Late as always aye Jules," Sierra a friend says....I smile at her "you know me so well love",she shakes her head at me,we head to the front and start working on the orders,time flies by quickly..."I feel like death today," I quietly mumble to myself,memories from the previous day flood my mind and I can't stop the feeling of betrayal that settles in my chest,I still can't bring myself to accept the fact that Alexa is getting married and as always she takes the spotlight, I can't help but feel a little jealous of her,I mean she got everything yes!,a dream job,a family,a man ,a smooth life,everything that I don't have,I laugh the feeling off and shake my head,"no, she's my sister I shouldn't be feeling this way,I should be ecstatic for her right?,".."right"....

I walk to my apartment,busy listening to music and that helps me forget about everything going on in my life now and be ignorant for a while,its bliss people,I pass through the pack watching children playing around,couples cuddling and people playing with their pets,they're just doing what normal people do,living and breathing, sucking in a deep breath I'm hit with a sudden feeling of nostalgia, where it comes from I have  no clue at all but it pulls tears to my eyes and one thought rings in my mind home

I get to my place faster than I anticipated,coffee I need coffee lots of it, and a book to draw me away from earth to another world, a world full of life,not the mundane life if you get what I mean....I stump my way real quick to the bathroom, wash sticky sweat off of me ,put on my buggie shirts and shots then head to the kitchen,the aroma of fresh coffee beans wafts through the air as I grind them into powder,by the time its ready I'm already salivating for the taste of it,I grab my favorite mug pour my self a decent amount of it,I take a sip and plant my ass on the sofa then dive into the world of pride and prejudice feeling completely at ease

"Man! humans can be idiotic sometimes " I say the words out loud trying to mimic a british accent ,I horribly fail at it and nearly choke on my tongue,checking the time I notice it's getting late,I forgot again to prepare dinner ,deciding to ignore my growling stomach I head to bed,try as I might I can't fall asleep and do I know the reason why?yes ,yes I do, will I tell it to you?,no,no I won't....having enough of my insomnia I pop some sleeping pills and I highly advice you not to,within a few minutes I'm out like a light,I tell you what when I take sleeping pills I sleep like the dead,capiche!

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