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Time spins,days rolling in and out ,the month finally comes to an end,I'm currently sprawled out on the bed viewing dumb videos just for laughs.The day I've been dreading mosty has caught up to me,Alexa's wedding is today,commencing in three hours to be precise, I requested Sierra to be my plus one,I have no idea what to wear I'm short on dresses,ignoring my predicament I Continue wasting time,the banging sound of the door stirs me from my nap,I tread my way to the door and peep through the  keyhole,

"Sierra!",I exclaim,she literally glares at me and groans out loud,"do you know what time it is Jules,I expected to find you ready but no you look like you've been electrocuted with your hair sticking out everywhere,",on checking the time she's right ,we're going to be late but who cares,she flops herself on the bed after pushing me into the bathroom,I shower then come out to find an outfit placed on the bed for me,I'm soo not wearing a dress,I throw on blue jeans,boots a buggy shirt and grab a jacket, Sierra rolls her eyes at my ridiculous clothing style as she likes to call it but doesn't comment,I'll chew her out,she knows this.

The wedding is being held in  a Chapel near my old neighbourhood, it takes us an hour to get there,on arrival we interrupt Micahs' vow with our footsteps and hush murmurs,ignoring the stares directed at us we flop our asses on the last row,soon the wedding bands are exchanged,the newly weds kiss,the next thing I know we're being rushed to the main venue for celebration,Sierra leaves me to go find herself some wine,I sprawl on one of the seats as I observe people, I admit to silently judging them .

The back of my neck prickles with awareness,someone is staring at me ,turning around I don't spot anyone I'm familiar with,stopping a waiter passing by I grab the whole tray of  champagne gesturing for him to scamper,I'm in my fourth glass already feeling buzzed up when I spot a familiar figure heading my way,the groom's male cousin what was his name again?,he winks at me ,I return the gesture and smile seductively ,he halts surprised with my forwardness,two can play this game,I smirk .The sound of a bell quietens the crowd,we all turn our attention to the platform adorned with mistletoes, the newlyweds are spotting huge smiles on their faces ,holding onto each other like koalas.

"thank-you,thank you all for showing up and supporting us in this life altering moment,"Micah address the crowd,"we bid you welcome,please have fun, mingle with each other, drink and eat to your fill,I'm aware some of you have prepared speeches,I'm hoping you're not planning to spill all our embarrassing moments here,spare us,"the crowd laughs,"feel free to start anytime,enjoy, " with that said everyone turns to what they were doing,deciding not to pay attention to what people say,I drink to my fill,my Teresa's voice snatches my attention though,

"hello everyone,"she says with an overly polite voice that makes me scoff,"glad to see you're all enjoying,I want to say a few things,Alexa come up here please.......,I'm happy to call my self a mother but what makes me happier is having Alexa as my daughter,she's the best thing to happen to me,I've watched her grow to becoming one hell of a fierce woman,I'm happy to see her happy,the mothers present understand what I'm feeling best,"she throws in a real smile,having enough of this bullshit I start to leave ,with my luck nothing goes as planned though."Juliet! halt where you are ," mom orders,a few heads turn my way curiosly"come up here love,"a cold shiver runs up my spine from the forced word of endearment coming out of Teresa's lips,something is up I can feel it in my gut,plastering a big fake ass smile I tread my way towards mother,"this is my second daughter, beautiful isn't she?,"I visibly gag at that statement, "she's the child of the house and we all adore her,forgive her for her unfit outfit,she's still in her rebellious face we're praying it ends soon,"the crowd laughs at that.

I can't believe this,what's  funny about that statement,its an Insult.I'm starting to get mad but what my mom says next is what leaves me snarling rogueshly...."I'd like to announce that she is engaged to Milo black," gasps can be heard in the crowd and a loud what slips through my lips,"you heard me well,the wedding preparations will begin in a month or so,you're all welcome, for now enjoy,"Teresa concludes.what?,what just happened ,who's engaged? ,when did that happen,?and how?,I turn to my mom to find her daring me to defy her and oh do I deliver

"Teresa,what the hell,?"I ask her quietly,she has the nerve to look me in the eyes and declare I heard her right,I'm panting from anger my cheeks puffed out,letting a growl I step towards her.She looks scared,she knows my anger is to be reckoned with,we've fought before,that's the kind of mother daughter relationship we share,she takes a couple of steps back now standing side to side with Alexa.knowing that things could end badly if I throw the first punch,I suck in a deep breathe hold it for a while then let it out,

"listen to me and listen carefully, this is the last time I'll use my words to get through your thick skull Teresa,call off the bullshit you just spewed,I'm not having any of it,you're free to criticize me as much as you want,I won't give a shit about it but do not force marriage on me and expect me to stand on the sidelines without fighting back like a passive cunt, I am not Alexandria, whoever coerced you to agree on such an atrocious thing is a sick minded psycho,I'm not having any of it you hear me,I do not participate in incest,that's practically what this is,so fuck you and fuck everyone who joined heads and decided that this is a good idea,go die in a ditch full of spikes already,"I notice people are turned our way with their mouths hanging open,I didn't notice I had started yelling ,shit!,grabbing my jacket I bolt the hell out of that place before punching someone on the face

"fuck,I can't believe this shit,"I mumble,throwing a text to Sierra letting her know I'm off,I hail a bus and head straight to the local bar,drowning myself in shots after shots of vodka,by the time I make it to my place,I'm a staggering mess with tear stains on my cheeks looking  miserable

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