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Thinking, that's a hobby of mine that try as I might I can't get rid of,most part of my day consists of that and that usually leaves my mind in overdrive when I have nothing to do like what I'm doing currently, the best part about it is that at times like this I can escape reality by visiting my favourite library downtown enjoying a good cup of coffee with my glasses on reading a novel of my choosing like right now,I enjoy different genres of books from fantasy to mystery to science fiction to oh my favorite paranormal and I admit I'm obsessed with anything supernatural save from ghouls eew imagine eating corpses kill me!!,anyways like I was saying I enjoy reading and anything that concerns it,I've had lots of favourite books honestly and I can't pinpoint which to be exact but any book with characters who've been described to have the physique adonis himself is my to go to choice, enough of that currently I'm reading pride and prejudice I just started it so no feed back yet wink I'll be sure to update you on my thoughts,I'm so engrossed in my book right now that I don't notice a body leaning over me till they talk "hello beautiful " ,I can recognise that voice from a mile a way,its loud and obnoxious and I'm exaggerating it but it's owned by my sister...."aaaaah! My gaawd are you tryna give a heart attack I'm too young to die Alexandria" I whisper yelled at my sister but still got to turn a few heads who gave us  stinky eyes . " as dramatic as always Jules a hello sister could have sufficed you know" Alexa says with an eye roll,"as much as I'd love to idle chat with you I came here for a reason,you know I hate places like this aah! how do you tolerate the silence I love noise,Jules you're needed home mom requested it I know I know I'm asking too much of you but can you please consider coming back even for a day or so and try to make amends with mom and dad".I give her a look that screams are you for real right now.I know you're curious why she's requesting me to go home so here it is,I ran away from home not like the up and disappear more like I didn't want to live under the same room with my mom and dad so I left once I turned eighteen. Alexandria is my older sister and she get along with our parents she's the star of the family and we'll me I'm just me nothing interesting is there to know about me,my mom calls me the problem child and its true, trouble follows me everywhere and that's my middle names to I own.I left home five years ago I'm twenty three now with no definate career and neither do I have anything behind my name.I live in a small apartment that is across the street from my favorite library and I work as a waiter and a librarian.My ma and pa are something, with me being imperfect to their eyes they would criticise me almost all the time and that pushed me over the edge.I used to be a quiet good little girl but I had to be loud to get them to listen to me and that infuriated me to no end and it still does,but to get Alexa off of my back I yield into her demands and agree to go home for a day ,I end up leaving the library short after she left to pack my bags and prepare myself for the drama that is awaiting my return,capiche.

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