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"Marriage,who forces someone into an arranged marriage in this century,"I mumble to myself taking the stairs two at a time unstablly, getting to my door number I sober up when I notice the door is unlocked, I locked it on my way out I'm sure of it,I check my pockets for my pepper spray "bingo,found it,now let's get the fucker who things it's cool to break into people's houses,"I slide the door open noiseless,tiptoe my way down the hall then peak round the corner,my eyes land on a strangely alluring pair of obsidian orbs,I get lost in them for a moment then realization dawns on me,stranger,I part my lips to scream....

"don't you dare scream," the stranger warns me in a dark tone,he's intimidating I admit but no my mouth doesn't cooperate with me,"who the hell are you,"I whisper yell at him,wait why I'm I whispering in my own house,I repeat my question more like demand for an answer,

"We'll have our hands full with this one," a voice says from the kitchen way,I startle jumping a foot from the ground,"damn you!,are you trying to give me a heart attack you idiot,".."language,"the man seated on the sofa scolds,I roll my eyes at him ,his eyes light a flame with anger at that,I stroll into my bedroom change into comfortable clothes then make my way back to the two or rather three men sprawled out on my sofa acting as if they own the place,I scoff at them,

" who are you and what are you doing here invading my personal space after breaking in that is," they only stare at me and that's uncomfortable as hell, imagine having three hot men in your living room stare at you blatantly, it's hot in here,damn imagine getting fucked with them at the same,this thought flicked in my mind leaving me flastered,thank heavens I can't blush,to escape the intense atmosphere I head to the kitchen to make a coffee,being the good person that I am I asked them if they want some which of course they declined as I expected,I don't head back out to where they are after the coffee is ready,pulling out my phone I scroll through Pinterest looking for new aesthetics,I vaguely hear the shuffling of feet into the kitchen,their intense stares make me hyper aware of everything including their breath sounds,weird .

"Sweetheart, it's not good to ignore your guests",the one who was at the kitchen way when I came in speaks, I scoff ,"unwelcomed guests you mean",I tell him with a scalding glare.."damn,you look like an angry cute kitten,kitten,"the new guy says then does the courtesy of introducing us,"the name's Klause,the unwelcomed guest is Killian and this is Milo," he says while swinging his hand on Milos's shoulder,"they're my husbands," he say,my mouth hungs open in shock,I stare at them expecting one of them to call out their bluff but no,they're are seriou- ..

"wait,Milo,Milo black!,my supposed to be husband,not that I agree with it,",that gets me a reaction from the intimidating guy,he laughs and damn its a beautiful sound,"in the flesh kitten,nice meeting the untamable beast of the Blake family," I visibly cringe at that statement, "yeah,feeling's not mutual big guy,"I throw at him,he smirks then goes back to barrowing holes on my neck,...."sooo what brings you lot here,aren't supposed to be  busy gushing over the newly wedds or something," .."jealous?" Killian asks teasingly,,"hardly ,"I tell him a smile fighting to break on my lips

"Juliet",Milo starts,"it's Jules,call me Jules,"...he glares at me ,"anyways, I'm here to make a proposal with you,as you can see I'm into polyamorous relationships,my family already knows this ofcourse,yours hasn't been informed, I'm interested in getting an heir that's the main reason for the arranged marriage ,your mom sold you off,she got paid now you belong to me,to us,you're our property,we own you,"the sound of glass shattering resonates through the room,my mind has zeroed in on the words sold and owned,I'm a slave now I've been lowered to being a slave without my consent worst of all a slave to the ruthless twin of Micah black,Milo,no no no!,this can't be happening to me I can't I won't I...I...,I can't breath ,I claw at my throat to allow air back into my lungs,wheezing sounds rip out of my throat,blackdots appear behind my eyelids then I cave in into the welcoming darkness,bliss this is bliss is the last thought in my mind before I lose my consciousness.

"Milo,we can't, we can't concede to our family's demands,that's inhumane,"a voice argues another voice adds," Killian is right,Milo,let's think this through rationality, you saw the look of unadulterated pain in her eyes ,"..."I know guys,I know,I'm trying to think of a solution that favors all of us without putting her in danger,"Milo tells them softly,I come through with a hiss,my head is killing me,shit!,I'm lying on my bed tucked in like a baby,one thought lingers in my mind,slave I'm a slave,I was sold ,a sob slips it's way past my lips,I was fucking sold like cattle oh my god!,why? why?why me?why do I get to taste only the bitter side of life,why condemn  me to such a miserable existence, why me WHYYYY??,I'm I that worthless to your eyes ,I've been fighting my whole life,I've come close to giving up  multiple  times but I still fought my way through depression, loneliness,trauma,panic attacks and I came out of it alive,not whole alive,that's what matters to me most second to freedom, now my freedom has been snatched away from me and that  just killed me,I'm dead!,dead!,dead!,dead!,I'm dead ,I was starting to learn how to breathe ,now I don't,how will I  live if I can't breathe,I've skipped both phases straight to death,I'm dead.

I stopped sobbing a while ago,I'm just there lying in bed,no thoughts running rampant in my mind,I feel empty emptier than I used to before,I want my nana,I want my abuelita,my lips tremble,"Nana,I miss you,"my phone is on my pillow but I have no energy left in me,I force my hands to move type in her number and it rings,one time,two times,on the third ring Nana picks

"hello,my sweet child,"her soft voice brings fresh tears to my eyes,"Nana," I whisper...she inhales loudly "Sweet child,what's wrong,"...,"Nana,"I whisper sobbing louder," I'm coming to you, " she says and I know at that instant that I will be safe in my Abuelitas' arms.I wait and my nana shows up after fifteen minutes,I smile.

The sound of the door knocking is heard,"who are you ",I hear Nana question the men in my apartment, "where is she,where is my lovely child,what have done to her,"she asks them, I hear the sound of feet heading to my room,I raise my head and see Nana poking her head to see if I'm awake,when she sees me she smiles,no ounce of pity in her eyes and that's one of the gazillion reasons that make me love her,she knows I hate pity,she rushes to me and scoops me in her arms,and right there at that moment I felt at home,"my child,my baby, I love you so much,nana loves you, Abuelita loves you ,"she tells me over and over and over again,like a mantra,and it latches to my brain like glue,"I love you too Abuelita",I sing this words to her like a siren calling out to her sailor promising him a life full of joy but not absence of sorrow.

She makes dinner for all of us and commands us to sit together while dining,"So,what did Teresa and Paul do this time," she directs her question specifically to Milo,you might think she knows what happened but no,Nana has strong instincts,she's the one who taught me and told me to always listen to my instincts,she stares at Milo with a look that screamed (you better start talking or you'll regret the consequences) I internally laugh at he antics.

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