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Wait,vanilla, vanilla the flavor or vanilla sex,hmm talking about the sex part....why I'm I thinking about sex,what was the conversation about again...vanilla

Vanilla sex
Vanilla scent
definitely vanilla sex yeah se-

"JULES, are you there,hey...hey...heeeey!!'"

"Ow,ouch,Sierraaaa!,what the hell,that stings ,and why are you smacking me you idiot," I cry out loud,..."I've been talking to you this past few minutes dimwit,you've been completely zoned out all that time,what's on your mind that's so important than listening to my grievances I'm having a mid life crisis here ,help me out," she whines,..."mid life crisis,"I scoff,"more like a mid love crisis,what's happened? just yesterday you were having the best time of your life with soon to be husband ,what's his name again?" Sierra smacks my head again,that shit hurts but oh well she has a point,I've been completely zoned out this whole time,back to the present babyyy!!

"what's up hun,you were ecstatic yesterday over the phone yapping about your man,what did he do,should I kill him orrrr??,"now that she has my full attention she rambles on about how they had a pretty huge argument yester night and how she ended up slapping him ,how he spanked her after,from there I didn't listen to her again cause this is a normal occurrence of ours every Thursday evening ,we meet up to hang out but it ends up with me listening to  her complaining about her nearly perfect love life ('eye roll'),back to where my mind froze SPANKING ,"dayuumn! girl you were spanked,like span-spanked or BDSM spanked sort of punishment," I exclaim cutting her mid sentence, she glares at me then her entire face turns red,my lips fall open

"no need to answer, your face says it all,","how was it,did he like rub your ass cheeks after spanking you,?" if it's possible for her face to turn more red,it just did, her face will burst out in flames

"So,tell me about you,are you okay,"she tries changing the topic,I'm not having it, ah! ah! ah!,I must know,spanking happens to be one of my kinks,don't ask how many are there babe,a hint, its more then a dozen *wink..."don't do that,it's unacceptable, answer me right this instant you naught naught girl,"I say moving closer to her,before she gets to answer though someone stands behind me and from the widening of my friends' eyes I know its someone we're familiar with,what  poor unfortunate souls I'll strangle them,how dare they interrupt a spicy moment of mine,I was eager to get an answer or rather a reward for my ears,turning around I'm met by the three maskerteres,the famous husbands,Agh!,they're like leeches if you ask me,they've been following me around everywhere,its annoying, " "they're hot though" the tiny voice in my minds whispers,ignoring it I blatantly check them out ,from the cocky looks creeping on their faces,they like it,I snort,ofcourse they do... not to brag I know  I'm drool worthy myself,like have you seen me ? I can appear on the vogue's cover magazine,I'm the hottest specimen alive with my big thighs,my not so tiny waste ,wide hips ,jiggly tummy,big boobs a fat ass,squishy cheeks and a killer smile,you can already imagine.

"Milo black,Clause Black and Killian Black,Killian you should probably drop the black name,Murphy sounds promising don't ya think?,any ways,why are you gracing me with your delicious asses for the fifteenth time today,"I'm literally grimacing right now,I mean come on,this behavior is getting out of line, don't they have work that aside don't they know the meaning of the word boundary, I notice a new face amongst them,Wow!,dude! fuck me side ways including all the other sex positions I won't mind,the guy is drop dead gorgeous like drop my panties this instant and fuck me infront of an audience type, I won't mind,......,he smirks, I scowl knowing I've been caught gawking at him....if my thoughts a correct it seems that the famous polyamorous couple have found themselves a new pet ,I'm not jealous at all!!!

"hello to you too Jules,we missed you too,our day has been exhausting thanks for not asking by the way,we came to have a talk with you," Milos's words drip with sarcasm

"hello Sierra,"he greets with a nice tone,pleasantries are exchanged between them ,she excuses herself with the most lamest excuse I've ever heard and now here I am having a staring contest with my ex-owner...the thought still brings a sour taste to my mouth,eww!

"Juliet,we have a proposal, we'd like you to hear us out,"Killian states "but before that,we'd like to introduce our fourth husband Elliot," like I thought,they have a new pet,Elliot throws a dazzling smile my way which I ignore ofcourse ,I'm definitely not getting off of the scowl on his face right now,(evil smirk)

Jules 1:Elliot 0

"hmm,if it's something that'll benefit me,I'm all ears ,I hope it is,"

This time,Clause takes the reigns,he gives me an intense stare that has me squirming on my seat,taking a big sip of my beer to distract my self I end up chocking, talk about embarrassment, now of all times my drink decides to go down the wrong pipe! Curses!,I hack all over the place like a dying hyena,imagine the mortification that's crowding my soul right now,my mind's screaming bloody murder.After my not so pleasant ordeal the one-sided conversation continues,I can't believe this men still insist on having me join their marriage,its unbelievable how  dense they are,knowing for sure the only reason they want me to join them is to breed their babies like some horny  bitch dog they think I am.Pathetic,I know.Grabbing my cheap ass jacket I get up to leave ,a hand stops my rushed movements and yanks me back to a very solid body,my breath betrays me by hitching.

"Sweetheart,you know it's considered rude to leave mid convo right,"a husky baritone voice whispers,"now sit your plump ass down if not I'll  punish you infront of all this people, I have no inhibitions but I bet you do,"he says,I find myself doing exactly what he orders,my mind is in a trance,snapping back to reality I find all of them giving me sheepish looks,my eyes immediately drift to Elliot I know he's the one who ordered me just now,he has a very dominating aura same as Milos's but more intense? yeah it's pretty intense,he's intimidating now that I observe him well.

"as Clause was saying,I'll repeat cause I know you weren't listening,we want you to be ours ,"I scowl,"nah ah! behave!"Elliot reprimands,"we request that you let us court you ,each of us differently then you'll decide in the end whether you'll join us or not,it's your choice love,we don't want an answer right now,you can think about it then inform us when you reach a decision, " he carefully explains, I agree to thinking about it ,they let out relived sighs,

"was is that hard to sit around and listen kitten,"Killian teases me,I stick out my tongue at him ,I'm a kid no judging!,leaving them at the bar I head home feeling exhausted

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