"No reason to be sorry. Thanks for talking to me." I say and kiss her forehead.

"Let's go to mine?" She asks and I nod my head.

"I'll meet you there. What do you want to eat?" I ask her

"Let me stop. Your on the bike." She says

"Fine. But take my card. And I swear you better use it." I say taking my card from my pocket and shoving it in her hands.

"Fine but take your sneakers that are in my car so you can ride with out the heels." She says and I moan at her words.

"Oh my god thank you" I says and she gets the shoes for me and I slip them on.

"By the way, I'm getting that sushi place we love!" She says running to the car. I pretend to groan and roll my eyes to get her to laugh and she does. My favorite sound. But I don't care how much it costs I would spend every penny I have on her.

I start my bike and head off towards her building. I take some turns so I can try to go back roads but the city has so much traffic today. As I'm rounding a corner a little kid runs into the street so I have to grab my brakes and I even pull my emergency brake to make sure I don't hit him. But that makes me fly off and land on the ground next to him.

"Ow fuck" I moan and roll to my back to catch my breath.

"Oh no are you okay. I'm so sorry he's a runner." I hear a female voice say.

"Uh I think so" I say sitting up and checking over my body. My ankle hurts a little and I have a little road burn on my arm but my head is fine and nothing feels broken.

I try to stand and when I put weight on my left foot I flinch with pain. Shit. I wiggle my ankle and it hurts but it doesn't hurt that bad. I just limp too the sidewalk and sit on the side.

"Is there anything I can do?" The lady asks and I feel bad because the kid is crying.

"Did he get hurt?" I ask

"Oh no you stopped in time. He just got scared I think" she says comforting the small boy.

"I'm sorry buddy. You gotta make sure you stay on the sidewalk." I say toward him and hold my hand out to fist bump.

"Sowey" he says and fist bumps me back.

Some random guy rolls my bike to the side for me and it doesn't look too banged up. Just some scratches I'll have to buff out. I stand and thank the guy and pull my helmet on.

"Wait don't you think you should wait for an ambulance? I called they should be here any second." The woman says and I open my visor and shake my head.

"No need I'm fine. Have a great day." I say wanting to get away from there and far away from a hospital as I can be. I jump on my bike ignoring the pain radiating from my foot and all I can hear is the roar of the engine while I see the woman getting smaller and smaller. I don't even realize where I pull up until I do but I'm at Ashley's house. Her townhouse wasn't far from where I was and I guess my body just took over.

The sound of the bike must have gave me away cause she's waiting on her porch while I shut the engine off.

"Y/n!! What a nice surprise!" She shouts from her little chair she has on the porch.

I put my hands on the handlebars of the bike and take a deep breath.

"Y/n what's wrong?" She says and I feel her getting closer. "Is that blood - oh my god MArY KaTe GET OUT HERE" she screams at the end. I feel her next to me then I see her through my tinted visor infromt of the bike looking st me.

My Everything (Scarlett Johansson)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora