I brush my hair, letting the strands fall smoothly around my shoulders. A touch of mascara to highlight my lashes and a hint of lip gloss to add a touch of allure.

I want to look my best for him, to remind him of the desire and love that still burns between us.

With a final glance in the mirror, I slip on a pair of comfortable black ankle boots that give me an added boost of confidence. Grabbing my keys and phone, I make my way to the front door, a sense of anticipation building within me.

The drive to the construction site is filled with a mix of nervousness and eagerness and took me nearly an hour or so.

I glance at my rearview mirror and notice a sleek black car trailing behind me. My heart skips a beat as a shiver runs down my spine. A sense of unease creeps over me as I realize the car has been following me for a while. Who could it be, and why are they following me?

I try to catch a glimpse of the person inside, but the tinted windows make it impossible to see their face or any distinguishing features. Panic starts to set in, and I debate whether I should continue driving or pull over to confront the situation.

My mind races with different possibilities. Could it be a coincidence? Perhaps it's just a curious driver who happened to take the same route as me. But deep down, I can't shake off the feeling that something is not right.

I decide to take action, my instincts urging me to protect myself. I quickly make a series of turns, hoping to lose the mysterious car that is tailing me. I navigate through unfamiliar streets, my heart pounding with each passing second.

As I take another turn, I glance at the rearview mirror once again. To my relief, the black car is no longer in sight. A wave of relief washes over me, but I can't shake off the lingering sense of unease.

I continue driving, my eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. The once-familiar streets now seem unfamiliar and filled with shadows. My hands grip the steering wheel tightly as I try to steady my racing thoughts.

Determined to put this unsettling encounter behind me, I focus on reaching my destination. I remind myself that I am strong and capable of handling any situation that comes my way. I refuse to let fear dictate my actions.

As I step out of the car and walk towards the construction site, I can feel the buzz of activity surrounding me. The sound of machinery, the scent of fresh concrete, and the sight of hardworking men engaged in their tasks create a lively atmosphere.

I spot Mark in the distance, his back turned as he converses with a coworker. A surge of anticipation courses through me as I make my way towards him, my steps purposeful yet filled with a touch of playfulness.

"Hey, handsome," I say, my voice filled with a mix of excitement and affection as I reach his side. He turns around, a look of surprise and delight spreading across his face.

"Jasmine! You made it," he exclaims, his eyes sparkling with joy.

I wrap my arms around his waist, drawing him into a warm embrace. "I thought I'd come and see you in action a little earlier," I say, my voice filled with admiration. "You look so sexy when you're in your element."

Mark chuckles, his hands resting on my hips. "Well, I'm glad you decided to join me. Seeing you here makes my day even better," he replies, his voice laced with sincerity.

As we stand amidst the construction site, surrounded by the sights and sounds of the bustling environment, I feel a renewed sense of connection and love. In this moment, I know that our relationship is filled with endless possibilities and that our love will continue to grow, even amidst the challenges of daily life.

With a smile on my face and Mark by my side, I'm ready to embrace the adventure that lies ahead, cherishing the moments we create together, both in the ordinary and extraordinary aspects of our lives.

Until I hear his voice.

"Pass me the drill!" I hear Noah's voice call out, and I turn my head to see him amidst the hustle and bustle of the construction site.

My breath catches in my throat as I take in his rugged appearance, the way his cargos hang effortlessly on his hips and his white shirt molds perfectly to his toned physique. Every movement he makes exudes strength and confidence.

I can't help but admire the way his muscles flex and strain as he grips the drill with ease. His arms, defined and powerful, showcase years of hard work and dedication.

The beads of sweat glistening on his forehead only add to his allure, accentuating his rugged charm.

Lost in the moment, I watch as he expertly drills through the wood, his focused expression highlighting his determination. There's a grace in his movements, a fluidity that captivates me. I'm drawn to his intensity, to the way he effortlessly commands the tools in his hands.

His back muscles ripple with each motion, revealing the strength and resilience he possesses. It's as if every muscle in his body is a testament to his unwavering commitment and unwavering passion. The sight leaves me in awe, a mix of admiration and desire coursing through my veins.

Noah's presence on the construction site fills the air with an electric energy, his commanding aura commanding attention from those around him. He is in his element, a master of his craft, and it's impossible to deny the magnetic pull he exudes.

As he finishes his task, his eyes meet mine, and a spark ignites between us.

In that moment, time seems to stand still, and I feel a connection that goes beyond words. It's as if our souls recognise each other, as if we share a history and a bond that can never be broken.

I find myself longing to be closer to him, to feel his touch, to immerse myself in the warmth of his embrace. The desire that courses through me is undeniable, a fire that burns brighter with every passing second.

But as much as I'm drawn to Noah, I'm torn. The memories of our past, the pain and confusion, still linger within me. I'm torn between the familiarity and comfort of my current life and the undeniable chemistry that exists between us.

Lost in my thoughts, I take a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart.

"And right there is going to be the reception area, let me introduce you to my project manager."

Noah raises a brow as he turns to glance at Mark who interlocks his hands with mine, I turn to see a man who offers his hands to me. "Nice to meet you Mrs Lance, I'm Anthony."

I shake his hand.

"Oh, I need to take this call-show her around will you?"  Anthony nods his head as Mark walks away to answer the phone call.

"Come on, I'll show you the site." Anthony begins showing me around, and it was utterly stunning. "Oh shit-sorry Mrs lance-Jake! Come down and show Mrs Lance the site-Kevin! No!"




Anyone but Noah!

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