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Jasmine Atakni

Weeks passed by, and I made a promise to myself that I would leave Noah behind for good. It was the best for me and Mark, and our relationship has gotten ten times better since.


The sex hasn't.

He falls onto the bed beside me, and I bring the sheets up my naked body as he turns to kiss me once more.

"God that was amazing."

I smile sitting up, "I have a shift in two hours." He also sits up and comes behind me, his hands grazing my bare shoulders as he kisses my neck.

"Come to the new site today, I want to show you what I've been working on."

"Really, normally a man wouldn't want his wife coming to his work place so much." Mark smiles against my skin and pulls me against him, he pushes my hair away.

"Those are cheating men, I want to show off my fiancé to every man I see." He kisses my lips and tries to go for another round before I push him away shaking my head, "what?"

"No Mark, I have work and you have a meeting." He sighs, glancing at the time displayed on his Rolex resting on the bedside table. I watch as he quickly rises from the bed, a sense of urgency evident in his movements.

"I have a meeting in fifteen minutes!" he exclaims, his voice filled with a hint of frustration. He rushes towards the bathroom, and I can't help but chuckle softly at his chaotic morning routine. As my eyes fall upon the necklace sitting on the bedside table, a pang of longing courses through me.

But today, I choose to let it go.

I stand up, determined to focus on the present, and make my way towards the inviting warmth of the shower. I push open the bathroom door, finding Mark in the midst of rinsing the shampoo from his hair.

A mischievous smile graces my lips as I lean against the doorframe.

"Can I join?" I ask playfully, hoping to inject some spontaneity into our marriage. Mark's face lights up momentarily before reality sets in.

"Babe, I wish I could, but I have to go to work," he replies, disappointment lacing his voice.

I take a step closer, wrapping my arms around his waist from behind, feeling the water cascading over us. "You own the place, can't you just skip the meeting?" I suggest, my voice filled with longing.

Mark turns to face me, his eyes reflecting a mix of desire and responsibility. "I wish I could, Jasmine, but this meeting is crucial for the business. I promise we'll make it up soon," he says, his voice sincere.

He kisses my lips.

As he brushes past me, making his way to the walk-in wardrobe, I let out a soft sigh. Stepping into the warm embrace of the shower, I allow the water to wash away any lingering disappointment.

As I exit the bathroom with only a towel on, I watch as mark exits the walk in wardrobe and makes his way to me. "Okay, I will send you the address for the site, be there in about an hour or two?" I smile.

"Okay baby."

"And we'll grab some dinner after." He kisses me goodbye, I watch as he leaves the bedroom and I turn to get ready.

I stand before the mirror, examining my reflection as I carefully put on a pair of black jeans that hug my curves and a fitted black blouse that accentuates my figure. Today is the day I've decided to surprise Mark at his construction site. It's been a while since I've visited him during work hours, and I can't help but feel a surge of excitement.

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