The suspect list.

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Stiles POV

"Scott...when did you last contact Lydia?" I ask him. "Um..about 2 days ago? She's probably busy working as she usually is. Why?" "As expected. Scott, take a look at this file, will you?" I say, cutting to the chase. I put my hand through the window reaching down to the file on the driver's seat, taking it out and handing it over. Scott looks at me all confused, then takes the file, finally breaking eye contact as he flips it open. "W-wha-How??" He barely manages to say, looking back up at me, eyes full of fear and worry. "Scott, she has been missing for the last 2 days now." I throw at him, fiddling with my fingers, taking one step back looking down slowly and back up. "I was as worried as you are, trust me. But worry will not help." ....


Lydia's POV

I wake up once again, feeling extremely heavy, but not being able to move again. I can feel more control over my body than before but this time, as I look down, there's another needle stuck in my arm. I'm no longer on the chilly cold floor. I'm completely and perfectly tied to a wooden chair in the middle of a different room. One with a dim lightbulb, better than before at the very least, I think to myself.

"Finally, the bitch is awake." I startle, I look a little too much to my right. The same dark figure that I can't seem to make out, sitting in the corner. "What do you want!" I demand. "Tch tch tch tch, first of all, shut up" he says, pointing his knife towards me, still sitting down in the corner, tryna threaten me or some shit. "Take it from me, that will not help you whatsoever." I hear another voice echo on the left side in the front. I flinch again, tryna make just something out, even a figure but the bulb is pretty much to the right so the left side is just shadowed by darkness.

"Dear, don't worry. You'll see a lot of me soon." The same voice echoes. I figure this place was quiet spacious considering the echoes of every sound. I brush off the comment he just made. I look back at the guy on my right, tryna get some sort of an answer outta him. "Don't. This is just the beginning". He states. He swiftly gets up, throwing the bare knife over to the front left of the room, in nothingness. I guess the weirdo caught the knife. "Keep an eye on her. This banshee bitch better not scream". He says, looking to the left, pointing in my direction as he walks out after giving me a death glare that I gladly return.

Scott's POV

"Scott, calm the fuck down. Malia is in the suspects list right there for a reason!" Stiles blurts, pointing towards the file in my hands. "She was last SEEN with Malia, Scott." Stiles repeats for the 5th time now." "I get it stiles, but I messaged Malia before coming here. She hasn't been here for the last 3 days, she's in New Orleans with Allison." "Exactly Scott, I'm not assuming now, or anything but Malia is in top suspects list for a reason. I trust her and all but I don't either, since she has changed too, you know that well. 3 days and the next, Lydia is gone." Stiles pinpoints. It was the facts, not gonna lie but it just felt too surreal and unrealistic.

"Scott, seriously snap out of it. We need to have a plan, these cases? They're all connected." Stiles says, moving his hands over in the air, in front of me. Stiles continues, "Now, i told you to come alone for a reason." I cut him off, "and I did? Didn't I?" I ask seriously. "Scotty, you texted Malia. You practically told her." "Well she doesn't know about Lydia, Stiles!" I say, hitting the file on my thigh. Stiles gives me one of his overly disappointed looks before digging his hand back in the jeep, not breaking eye contact.

Ik this one's short but the next one might make up for it <3 take care muah

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