《12• Maze runner》

Start from the beginning

After a while, using the help on Leeknows torch, we were able to out up the tent. However, in the middle of the night I was awoken by something. I heard a snap outside followed by shuffles. I slowly tap han on he shoulders. "What?" He asks softly. "Han wake up." I whisper harshly, shaking him. "What? Why?" Han asks sitting up. "I can hear something outside." I tell him. "Seriously? Its probably once of those motherfuckers playing around" He assures me. I slowly unzip the tent and peep my head out to see 8 masked men. I gasp, causing them to turn around but before they could see me Han pulls me inside the tent. "Theres 8 guys outside. Remember how Taeil said to 'keep our eyes and ears out' well I think I know why." I say and han nods in agreement. "We have to find a way to warn Jungwoo and Leeknow without the guys finding out!" Han whispers and this time I do the nodding. "But how?" Han continues. "I don't know.. should I just scream?" I ask him. "No.. actually yeah. There isn't any other way." He whispers. I pick up his pocket watch and check the time. Its 5:25 in the morning. "Yeah okay I'm gonna scream cover your ears Hannie." I say.


In return I hear 2 screams from the tent near me. "Yup they've woken up." Han tells me earning a laugh from me. I grab my gun from my bag. "Han stay behind me at ALL times. Got it?" I whisper to him. The tent would be ripped apart in a matter of seconds. I hold hands and leave the tent having my gun out ready, Jungwoo and Leeknow are already out before us. "What the hells going on?" Leeknow asks in his sleepy, husky voice. "What do you think? They're here to play tea parties with us." I reply sarcastically. He rolls his eyes before gripping onto his knife tighter. Jungwoo throws a taser to Han, which he catches smoothly. Leeknow looks over at me and gives me a single nod, signalling that we can start our attack. He immediately slides slides his knife out of its cover injuring our first sabotager. "1 gone 7 more to go." He says. The "baddies" also start attacking. There's 2 guys on me, leeknow and Han while Jungwoo fights with (presumably) their leader.

***I'm not gonna go into too much detail on the fight scenes since im a romance author not an action writer, however if you want me to lmk in the comments, I'll be more than happy to post a chapter just for the action***

Leeknow stabs both his victims in one stab. I shoot both of mine and so does Jungwoo, and to be honest Han does a pretty good job too even though its his first time with a taser. Once everybody is "dead", we start up a conversation. "We are never gonna get out of this shit." Leeknow says, rubbing the temples on his forehead. I think for a bit, but then something clicks inside me. "Hey guys, remeber when Taeil said that everything is easy we just have to think outside the box, well what if he said that literally. He also said that he was gonna take a shortcut." I tell the group. "Okay...?" Han says. I facepalm. "How the hell is there a shortcut in a freaking maze?...what shape is the outline of a maze?" I ask him. "A square." Leeknow replies, finally catching on. "What's that got to do with anything?" Jungwoo asks. "Well we can climb ontop of the maze and walk ontop of the walls since they're thick. Then we can easily fins our way out. " leeknow answers.

"We should've thought of that before" Han says. "Yeah well there's no time to sorrow about the past, give me a leg up." I say, throwing my backpack over my shoulder. Han gets ontop of jungwoo and I get ontop of Han as he gives me a leg up. Once I get up, I steadily pull Han up, then we help jungwoo up as leeknow gives him a leg up, Leeknow uses props from the tent to lift himself up and Jungwoo pulls him up. Once all 4 of us were up, we finally got an overview of which ways the maze goes. Leeknow looks down briefly. "Shit" He mutters, gulping before shutting his eyes tightly. "Are you afraid of heights?" Han asks him, to which he slightly nods. "Its fine let's hold hands." I offer, and to my surprise he takes my hand. Slightly taken aback I hold hans hands, and han holds jungwoos hand.

We all then begin to start walk towards the centre that we can see very clearly now. Jungwoo leads the way and in a matter of minutes we arrive. "How are we gonna get down? Will we have to jump down?" Leeknow asks. "I don't think you'll need to." I say, there's stairs leading to the middle of the maze. We all go down and the second we step foot onto the concrete the 8 men from earlier jump out from nowhere. Me, jungwoo, leeknow and han go into defense mode but thankfully Taeil also walks in. "Congrats!" He says clapping. "We spent way too long in there, why didn't I think of walking ontop of the maze earlier?" Han says, rolling his eyes. "Well atleast we made it out alive. Plus now we can find out who the winners are." I tell han. "Which is obviously us! Right Min?" Jungwoo interrupts in a cocky tone. "No. I think Jiwon gets the win, it was her who thought if climbing the walls, it was her who brought the chalk which trust me, helps ALOT and she didn't make fun of me for being afraid if heights instead she held my hand and guided the way, lastly she woke us up when the sabotagers turned up. It scared the living shit out of me but atleast we didn't get killed." Leeknow says giving me a weak smile. Han holds my shoulders and jumps up and down. "JIWONIE WE DID IT!"

Maybe Minho isn't as bad as I thought....
Damn, that was one hell of a chapter, sorry for the extremely delayed update, i wanted to post atleast a few chapters on my new smut book 😌,but now yall have my undivided attention! 2000 words, that's the most I've ever posted for a single chapter. Anyway I'll be honest this chapter was pretty boring, when proof reading, I, myself skipped half the story 💀. Anyway, I was listening to straykids 5 star album whilst writing this book...speaking of which...

What is your top 3 favourite songs from 5 STAR?:

For me: I likes most the songs but the one that stood out the most immediately was DLC, but after that I listened to SUPER BOWL which was REALLY REALLY good. Like I listened to it on repeat for ages. However TOPLINE also stood our to me so to round it up my top faves were probably:

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