"Oh no, after Thanksgiving she'll have to leave the next day for Trenton. She has some fundraiser in her church for New Year or something like that." It was so nice to talk to Jake about her day, even mundane, inconsequential things.

"So, you'll be free and on holiday. Maybe you could come and spend them over at my place, huh?"

She stopped in her tracks and turned to Jake. "Oh my, do you have nefarious designs on me, good sir? I'm kinda shocked-"

Jake grabbed her mouth for a lingering kiss. She moaned and linked her arms around his neck. She didn't care that they were in the middle of the street, not many people ventured out because of the cold.

Jake pulled back and said, "I can't wait anymore, Suze. I was an idiot when I said we should wait. I want this." He gestured between them. "Are you ready, please baby?"

Suzy felt like melting under the heat of his gaze. They kissed again, and it was much harder to let go this time.

"Mom's coming in tomorrow, but you can spend the night," she whispered.

He cursed under his breath. "Can't. I need to get back to the precinct."

"Oh." He chuckled at her deflated sound.

"But I'll try to take a few days off after Thanksgiving, ok? Would you like that, sweetheart?"

"Yes, please."


Jake whistled as he walked back to the precinct. He was immediately called into Chief Sturgis' office where Sturgis was leaning back in his chair, his white, bushy brows pulled into a scowl.

He barely returned Jake's greeting and grunted for him to take a seat. "I'm not happy with the progress on The Marauder's case. I thought you would've had Busconi behind bars by now."

Impatience crawled into Jake's gut. He would like to get his hands on Joe Busconi, too. The infamous kingpin of The Marauders.

"The Jackal isn't singing and Chloe's gone M.I.A."

The Chief shook his head as if wondering at Jake's incompetence. He had busted a prostitution racket just last week, but the Chief seemed to be struggling with a spot of amnesia.

"What about Miss Ford? Any information that she could provide us?"

Now he felt like a fool. "Ms. Ford wasn't brought in for questioning."

The Chief's brows furrowed. "Why not? The case report mentions her as a Person of Interest."

"I didn't think questioning her was required as we had The Jackal and Chloe was giving us Intel."

"And now you've run into a dead end." Jake didn't say anything. He had honestly thought he would make more progress on this case by now.

"What is your plan of action now? Do you plan to bring in Ms. Ford for questioning?"

Jake gave a minute to reply. "There's another angle I'm working with Ms. Ford, Chief."

"And pray, what is that?"

He looked straight at the Chief and said with a degree of defiance, "We're seeing each other."

The Chief's eyebrow crested on his face in incredulity. Then he gave a long bark of laughter.

"Well, I'm happy that you're taking out time for your personal life, son. But I want to see progress on this case soon. I want you to ask your girlfriend to the precinct and record all her statements. We can't afford to miss any leads."

Jake nodded and excused himself. He was kicking himself mentally all the while. He had wanted to not cause Suzy any pain, but he was running out of options. He had visited The Jackal many times, but the man hadn't cracked.

Chloe had always delivered but for some reason she had disappeared from the face of the earth, leaving his messages unanswered. Even her phone hadn't been traceable.

It was late in the night when Jake took the Subway home. His eyes and ears were attuned to all the movement on the street, but save for a few barking dogs, the streets bore an eerie, deserted look.

He passed an alley and heard a movement from behind him. He whirled immediately, his hand flying to his gun.

"Hey, Jake. Relax, it's just me." Chloe Darlington stepped out from the shadow. She was wearing a hoodie and jeans and lowered the hood on seeing him. Her pale yellow hair gleamed dully in the street lights.

"Hey." Relief flooded Jake. Finally they would have a breakthrough in The Marauder's case and the Chief would get off his back. And hopefully, Suzy would be none the wiser.

"How have you been?" He moved to give Chloe a quick hug which she returned. "I was getting worried."

"Well, not great. I've been a bit under the weather. Doc says I need to run some tests."

He frowned. She did look more tired than usual. "I was wondering if you could get the department to clear my dues so far?"

"Yes, of course. What exactly is wrong?"

"Well, I-I don't want to bother you with the details."

"Chloe, if you need anything, I'll always help you, I hope you know that."

"Jake, you're such a great guy!" She quickly rose on tiptoe and pecked his cheek. He moved away startled, and she chuckled.

"You're adorable. Who's she?"

Jake schooled his expressions to remain impassive. "Who do you mean?"

Chloe observed him for a minute and he gave a disgruntled expression. He was about to change the subject, when her eyes widened and she slapped a hand on her mouth. "Shut up! It's Suzy Ford, isn't it?"

His eyes widened but he said with equanimity. "What? I don't know any Suzy Ford."

How in God's name had Chloe found out? She laughed, "Oh Lord! I would've almost believed you! Oh, this is precious!" She wiped tears from her eyes.

Jake frowned. "Tell me, are you really sick? Or do you just need the money?"

Chloe abruptly stopped laughing. "Wow, why would I lie about something like this?" She looked hurt.

Chloe wasn't above lying about anything, but Jake didn't stress that point. "Don't you have any update about The Marauders or Bert Thomas? I was really hoping to have something more to work with."

Chloe sighed and shook her head full of remorse. "Sorry, but that was a dead end. I lost Bert Thomas when I was following him, then- then my health, it took a turn for the worse.. That's why I couldn't get in touch earlier."

"That's not like you at all." In spite of everything, Chloe was a consummate professional. And had she really been sick, she would've milked it for all she could. She was lying about the real reason why she needed the money, but then, she could need it for any number of reasons. All of which were her own.

This was really frustrating, after months of having Chloe work for the department, he expected more, but maybe she really had some personal issues.

"I'll make sure that the money is transferred to you soon." Chloe let a squeal of delight and hugged him.

"I knew I could count on you!"

Jake smiled in spite of himself. They had a history and sort of an uneasy truce, but he did have a professional respect for her.

"And when you do get better, I hope that you start working for the PD again. Don't be a stranger, ok?"

Chloe smiled, "I have a very good feeling that we are going to meet real often."

"How so?"

But Chloe just smiled and kissed him on the cheek again. "See you soon, handsome. And for what it's worth, you'll be the first boyfriend that I actually liked."

With a sashay of her hips, Chloe quickly walked away from him. Jake watched her go, puzzled over her statement. Did she mean they'll meet soon? Often wasn't the same thing as soon.

Deciding it didn't make any sense and was probably one of her whimsies, he shook his head and walked away.

A figure in the shadow, who had been covertly observing them for sometime, slid back into nothingness. 

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