Neteyam x reader-waking up(fluff) (edited)

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I woke up to the soft sound of Neteyam's snores and the weight of his arm around my lower back. I feel a small long kiss hit the top of my head. I look up to see Neteyam's beautiful eyes looking straight into mine.

"Good morning love," he says with a dashing grin on his face.

I groan and bury my face back into his chest. Mornings right now in Pandora were stormy and cold. All I wanted to do was lay in his tent all day and sleep.

"Y/n wake-up, c'mon if my dad walks in my tent right now and sees you spent the night our asses are grass."

"Fine, whatever you Skxawng" I curse at him.

Neteyam places one last kiss on my forehead before he throws the blanket off of us. The cold air hits me and I shiver. I pick up my loincloth and beaded top of the ground from last night and get dressed. While trying to tie my top I feel two warm hands brushing against my hips working their way up to my shoulders tying my top on. Soon after I felt his hot steamy breath brush against my neck as he places plenty of kisses up and down my neck. I feel his hands wrap my waist tightly. As I start to lean against him feeling his breath sync with mine. I begin to turn around when his brother Lo'ak came aimlessly walking in.

"Hey, Net- Never mind," Lo'ak says while rolling his eyes at Neteyam and me.

"You Skxawng" Neteyam curses. "You could've knocked, whistled, or even yodeled. Y/n and I were in the middle of something."

"Neteyam it's no big deal, really Lo'ak it was no big deal," I say to both of the boys trying to keep this situation from up-roaring.

"Whatever Neteyam, thanks Y/n. In case you guys are trying not to get get caught I would get your asses outside because Norm is mad about how we wrecked one of the lab rooms and he told Dad."

We all booked it out of Neteyam's tent Hoping to make it to our Ikrans before Jake Sully spotted us. Sadly we weren't so fortunate.

"BOYS, Y/n get over here"

We headed over towards Jake hoping our punishment wouldn't be bad. Even though I'm technically not Jake's biological daughter he considered me as one of his own.

"Trashing the labs' kids? I mean it's bad enough that your guys knock things off the tables with your tails but a game of tag in the lab." Jakes said trying not to smirk.

"We're just trying to have fun Dad!" Lo'ak whined.

" Dad were sorry we just didn't know when to stop messing around sir." Neteyam apologized.

Jake accepted our apologies and walked away. I sighed in relief and whispered in Neteyam's ear thank you.

"Maybe we should've stayed in bed love" he whispered back.

Thank you if you read my one shot! Pls tell me if you enjoyed this

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