Forever- Kiri x Y/n (best friends)

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I am so sorry for not posting in two weeks. I've been dealing with personal/mental health problems and needed to take a break from writing but I will be trying to post at least two times a week! I am still doing request and actually love doing them so the more you guys sending the better they really keep my mind busy!

⚠️(Warning this sorry contains a natural accident and fouls language. If this offends you please don't read.)⚠️

"Fuck you, Y/n!"

"I get you. Tired of hiding in the shadows but doesn't mean that doesn't mean you have to do stupid shit like this."

"No you don't, your parents are perfect, they love you and care for you. Mine aren't even biological to me and my real mom is brain-dead and I don't even know who my dad is."

"At least someone was there to adopt you and care for you. My parents could give two shits where I am half the time. Because my brother is the favorable child."

"You don't know Y/n!" Kiri shouts before storming off.

I may not directly understand the pain of being adopted, but I know the pain of being the lost child. Flying under the radar. Never really asking for anything and living in your siblings' shadows. Never really asking for anything, and to be honest feeling neglected and unwanted. But all she sees is a Y/G who has a mom and a dad, brother and a sister.

The perfect family, well almost.

"Kiri where the fuck did you go?" I yell searching aimlessly through the forest. "Come on, this is bullshit. Let's just go home and talk this through. You are my best friend, you should understand."

I keep searching, but it's no use. There's not a single sign in the forest and Na'vi hasn't gone through it in days.

"Kiri I'm tired, finish this fight at home if you really want to. You don't even have to talk to me on the way home. Let's just get out of here, it's getting dark."

I hear growling in the forest and bam a giant ferocious beast comes chasing after me. I run as fast as I can. Hoping it hasn't got to Kiri yet.

I finally stop looking down at the edge of the waterfall. The only ways we're down to fight the beast barehanded. Each option more dangerous than the next in its own way.

I jump off the ledge plummeting, down 40 feet into the rough rapid water. Barely catch my breath before getting dragged back down.

I feel myself getting dragged by the crate, until I feel something sharp pierce my leg. I looked down, and all I could see was blood in the darkness.

I feel my body being dragged out of the water slowly. I have a soft, scared voice of a good friend.

"Come on Y/n wake up!" They say emotional. " It will be okay I promise I'll get you to Norm and you'll get all stitched up and better."

I feel my body being tracked again and footsteps dragging. The footsteps finally stop, and I feel my body being lightly dropped to the ground.

That I feel my body will be thrown over an ikran and taking off for the sky. My leg was throbbing in my head hurt so bad.

"NORM! NORM ITS Y/N! I need help over here. Hurry someone!" I hear a familiar voice say.

"Kiri, what happened?" I hear Norm say.

"I don't know one minute her and I were fighting and the next I was walking along the river bank cooling off and I saw her just floating in blood everywhere."

"It looks like something punctured major artery in your leg. I won't know until I get her on the operation table and open it up a little bit more."

"Okay." Kiri says crying.

My mind finally shut off due to the pain in my brain and thoughts sit in total darkness.

I wake up to monitors beeping and small, quiet, sniffles. I open my eyes and look around in the blank, white hospital room with tubes and wires all over with my leg elevated in the air and a giant cast. I look to my left to see Kiri looking down drawing small circles on my hand into my right and see monitors pumping me with blood and saline.

"Y/n! Your awake." Kiri says.

"What happened?" I ask confused.

"You were in an accident,after our fight, I found you floating in the water, blood everywhere. I quickly pulled you out and got you to norm as quickly as possible. You lost a lot of blood, but he was able to save you and your leg."

"How long was I out for?"

"Two weeks and 4 days."

"Did my family coming to visit by any chance?"

"No sorry Y/n I guess you were right about your family." She is emotional. "They don't care."

"It's fine." I day upset.

"I'm sorry I've been a shitty friend. I haven't thought about having problems. I've been so consumed with my own. But for real Y/n I truly am sorry."

"It's okay Kiri we all go through things occasionally." I say taking a breath. "But we need to realize it's easier to go through something with a friend by your side than by yourself."

"Best friends forever?"


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