Lo'ak x Y\n - miracle

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"The sky is so beautiful at night."
"It's so quiet," Lo'ak says, "it's like the world is frozen but us."
"Yea, it does feel like that," I say rolling over onto my side.
I love the way Lo'ak glows in the night. His bioluminescent freckles were so much brighter than mine.
"I never knew this spot was on the island," he says looking me in the eyes.
"Yea I try to keep it hidden from the clan, I love being by myself." I say, "I always liked being by myself whether it was hunting or swimming. I rather do it by myself. My parents aren't the nicest people in the world."
"I get it, my family thinks I'm a fuck up," Lo'ak says understanding what it is like to be the least favorite kid.
"I just wish we could leave you know?"
"You mean to take my Ikran and my beautiful girl and leave this stressful life behind and never look back?" Lo'ak asks.
"You read my mind" I laugh.
"Let's do it!" he said shooting up. "No one is going to miss us, we're two outcasts no one wants, and you're my mate, why can't we leave together?"
"Okay. Let's do it"
We wrote letters to our families and snuck into Neteyam's room placing them next to his bow.
Lo'ak called for his Ikran, he jumped on holding a hand for me. I wrapped my arms around his waist while leaning my head against my back.
3 Weeks later
"Do you ever think they ever came looking at us babe?" I ask.
"I want to tell you yes but I doubt it." He says wrapping his arms around my waist.
"That's their fault they'll never be able to meet their grandbaby," I smirk revealing my pregnancy.
"Wha- grandbaby, you are pregnant?"
I nod my head and smile, I was so happy we were finally starting our family.
"Oh my Eywa, babe how, when!"
"Lo'ak you know how end I found out right before we left."
I never felt happier. We were finally happy together. We were starting a family, not feeling like outcasts. We had the most beautiful hut, all the wood was engraved with flowers and I made a shell wind chime. Life was perfect.
4 months later
"You baby bump is starting to show babe". Lo'ak says shocked with how big my baby bump is getting so early into the pregnancy.
"Wow, I guess I did?" I answer shocked.
"How daddy's little girl, you growing nice and strong in there?"
I Laugh making the baby kick. Lo'ak adores the baby when that happens.
"Babe I love our life and all but maybe we should go and see our family they should know about their grandchild."
"I know but if they cared so much why haven't they found us? We're finally happy, and they just don't care." Lo'ak yells at me.
"Whatever," I say walking away crying.
"Babe what"
I was so mad at him. I loved our life here but his parents deserve an explanation we just up and left in the middle of the night with only a letter to explain.
I kept walking till I got to the beach and dove on for a swim I need to clear my mind.
The water was calm the sky was clear until it wasn't. I saw another Ikran. I quickly dove underwater and swam fast to the shore. I ran as fast as possible hoping to reach Lo'ak before whoever that was did.
"Babe," I speak so out of breath, "I saw another Ikran we need to go now!"
"Brother, Y/n I know your here. I saw you Y/n run up into these woods."
Lo'ak rushes to grab his bow and protect us while I hide. Then I saw Neteyam walking up to our hut.
"What are you doing here brother!" Lo'ak yells at his brother.
"You Skxawng I'm here to take you guys home. Mom and Dad are worried and poor Tuk cry almost every night for her brother and best friend. games over time to come home to reality." Neteyam curses at him.
I quickly run behind Lo'ak staying hidden enough that Neteyam doesn't notice my bump.
"Our life isn't a game Neteyam we're happy here, let me live my life for once."
"You acting like this is funny running off scaring everyone. Everyone thinks you are dead! Mom didn't even want me to come out two days ago but something in my gut told me I had to. Now go pack up and let's go it's almost dark and we have a 2-day journey ahead of us."
"We're not coming plus Y/n wouldn't be able to handle that on her." He answers.
Before he questions I step out from behind Lo'ak revealing my baby bump.
"Ummmm when did this happen?" Neteyam asks dumbfounded.
"A Little over 4 months ago," I answer nervously.
"Fine will leave in the morning after Y/n and the baby rest." Neteyam says not taking no for an answer.
The next morning was stressful leaving the home we created the memories we made. I rode on the back of Lo'ak's Ikran sobbing my eyes out. I miss my family but I hated this feeling of leaving my home.
After two days of travel, my back ached and my feet were sore. I was nervous, seeing my family after four months and being pregnant I was worrying I hid behind Lo'ak while walking into his parents hut . Jake and Tuk were the first ones to notice us and came running I've to give us hugs. I quickly sucked my belly in trying to hide it.
"You guys are back!" Tuk came yelling giving me a big hug around my upper leg.
"Lo'ak, Y/n we need to talk to a family," Jake says looking relieved and pissed at the same time.
Tuk finally gets the memo and heads outside.
"Babe, why are you hiding your bump?" Lo'ak whispers in my ear.
"Just until this talk is over," I assure him.
"You guys left for four fucking months with just a letter no reason nothing just and lack of paper saying. We're leaving. Sorry, it has to be this way goodbye. We were worried sick. No way for us to contact you to make sure you guys were alive." Jake yells at us.
"We're sorry Dad but the only reason I came back was that we- Nevermind," Lo'ak says realizing he almost spilled the secret.
"What too scared to talk now, son. You think that you can leave for four damn months with no explanation." Jake yells hammering onto Lo'ak.
"You will not yell at my mate like that," I hiss at him accidentally forgetting to suck in and revealing my baby bump.
"You-u guys are pregnant?" Neytiri says reaching out for my belly.
I step back still mad about what Jake said about my love and the father of my child.
"Is this why you guys left?" Neytiri asks.
"No, we felt like outcasts. We were both tired of it and wanted to feel loved so we started our own family." I answer.
"You guys should've come to us we could've figured it out without you guys leaving," Jake says upset after just yelling at us.
I sit back down tried from the fighting and all the flying. I guess Neytiri notices and sends and look to Jake.
"Will finish this talk tomorrow for now let's just enjoy having you guys back and the miracle to this family." Jake smiles.

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