Love- reader x parents

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"Let me tell you the story of how your father and I met children"

"Mom, you and daddy met during school I thought?"

"No no no sweetheart daddy and I were warriors."

"I thought...."

"Don't think just listen......

"Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived two individuals who were destined to be together, yet bound by fate to remain apart. They were warriors, united by their shared experiences of war and bound by a common enemy. Their names were  Jules and Roxto."

"Hey that's daddy's name."

"Yes sweet child......

"Roxto was a courageous and fierce warrior, known for his unwavering determination and bravery on the battlefield. With every battle he fought, his spirit grew stronger, but not without scars. The memories of the horrors of war etched themselves into his soul, leaving him haunted by the lives lost and the wounds he suffered."

"That doesn't sound like daddy?"

"Your father is a different person now."

"On the other hand, Jules was a delicate soul, more inclined to diplomacy and strategy than physical combat. However, when faced with the horrors of war, she too found her inner strength. Together, they formed an unbreakable bond, serving as each other's confidants and protectors."

"Despite the constant threat of danger and the constant reminder of their unbreakable bond, Roxto and Jules found themselves drawn to the other. Their souls yearned for connection, but their hearts knew it was impossible. They knew that their love would only lead to heartbreak, as they could never be together. As the war raged on, their love grew stronger with each passing day. They shared secrets, dreams, and even moments of vulnerability. Their hearts yearned for love, but a love that would forever remain unfulfilled."

"In the end, the war took its toll on both Roxto and Jules. Their bodies were battered and bruised, their souls weary from years of fighting. But their broken hearts proved to be their ultimate undoing. They found themselves consumed by grief and unable to bear the weight of their emotions any longer."

"In a final act of defiance, Jules and Roxto embarked on a perilous journey to find solace in each other's arms. They fought their way through the enemy's territory, daring to dream of a life together away from the battlefield. But fate had other plans."

"As they reached the brink of their destination, they were ambushed by a surprise attack. In a final act of sacrifice, they protected each other, shielding each other from harm. Their bodies lay lifeless on the battlefield, their hearts forever entwined in a tragic love story. And so, the tale of Roxto and Jules came to an end, their love story forever etched in the annals of time. Their souls found solace in the afterlife, but their hearts remained shattered, forever bound by the scars of war and forbidden love."

"So if they died how are you and dad alive?"

"Sweet child we're alive through you."

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