Jake(dad) x Y/n(daughter)- I promised(edited)

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"Dad! Dad, I've been hit!" I say on my intercom. "It really hurts dad."

"Hold on for me sweetie. Where are you? Daddy is coming I promise." He answers.

"I-I don't know I'm near th-he r-." I try to say before losing consciousness.

Come on baby stay awak- was the last thing I heard from my father. My body was limp but my mind was hectic. I was shot in the arm and upper thigh.

I hated most sky people. They try taking over my home and kill our animals for fun.

My brain starts to slow down when I feel my body fill with pain and then picked up.

"It's okay daddy's got you!" I hear my dad say getting emotional. "Neteyam help me get your sister to Norm."

My brain was back up running a mile a minute but my body it was stiff. I couldn't lift my arm or open my eyes no matter how hard I tried.

I could feel my dad holding my hand and my mother sitting and the edge of my bed rubbing my leg and singing. She has a beautiful voice. I wanted to wake up. To tell them I was okay but I couldn't.

"Norm, my daughter still hasn't woken up. You promised a few days, it's been more than a few days."

"Jake, that's the thing I told she would probably wake up. But, right now it seems that she might stay in a coma for a while." Norm answers him.

"No norm y-you promised." My dad says feeling defeated.

"I'm sorry Jake I really am but the wounds aren't healing as well as we thought they would." Norm says.

I hear tiny human feet walk out and my dad sit back down after. I wanted to hug him so I tried but to no use I couldn't.

Days later my mind woke up again. My body throbbed but this time I could feel my hands. My vision was blurry but I wiggled my fingers under my dads hand and opened my eyes half way. I fight to stay awake for more than a second but fail.

"Norm I swear I felt her hand move she has to be alive."

"Jake her body is going to naturally going to move a little bit like her fingers and toes might wiggle but that's just normal for Coma patients. I'm sorry Jake I really wish I could tell you that your daughters waking up but at this point she's been out for so long I don't think she will wake up so I need to make a decision in the next week or two if you're going to keep her plugged into monitors the rest of her life."

"Norm I need more time to decide she's my little girl I can't. I can't pull the plug on her not yet." My dad says tearing up.

"Jake do what is best for her. Does she wants to spend the rest of her life hooked up to monitors? Or Would she want you to bury her at her favorite spot?"

The room went quiet yet again, Norm left, and my father sat there, holding my hand most of the time. His hands felt way different than my mother's. and my siblings, his hands had way more calluses and were much larger than my mother's. my brother Neteyam visited me a few times and so did Kiri.

"I'm so sorry Y/n I'm your father. I'm supposed to protect you. All I've done is put you in harm's way. I won't make you suffer more. I'll pull the plug." He says crying. "I'm so sorry."

I try to tell my dad I'm awake but nothing comes out.

"Norm we decided to pull the plug it's want Y/n would want."

First norm turns off my oxygen making it hard to breath. Then he turns of my monitor send a loud beep through the air. I hear my mother crying and my dad sniffling.

"Time of death 13:57." Norm says staring at the monitor.

"Are you sure she's really dead Norm she's could still be in there right?"

"She was partially brain dead and her wounds were just getting worse I doubt it. It's not worth me checking. It will make this moment worse."

"I can't look." I hear my mom say crying and running out.

"Jake I'll leave you and Y/n alone then I'll be back, to clean her up."

I slowly begin to regain consciousness and open my eyes and see my dad sitting there, holding my hand with red, puffy eyes. I still don't move and hear my dad talking.

"I'm so sorry I failed you baby. I'm the worst father ever. I shouldn't have let you go to war."

I slowly move my fingers and wiggle my toes. Hope you get my dad's attention. He looks up and starts crying.

"Oh my god sweetie you alive." He yells. "Norm she's alive, get in here."

Norm comes rushing in with a bunch of medical equipment.

"Y/n your alive, I know you just woke up but we need to make sure you have a feeling in your limbs because you scans showed you were brain dead." Norm says. "So do you feel me touching your feet."

"Yeah." I groan. "How long was asleep?"

"5 weeks and 6 days sweetie." My dad answers.

"I'll give you guys some time alone." Norms says.

"Oh and I'll have one of the nurses to tell Neytiri Y/n is alive."

"Thanks Norm." My dad says.

"You pulled my plug today dad?" I ask.

"I thought about it was over month and you haven't woken up yet. We didn't want you to be hooked up to a monitor the rest of your life." He says tearing up a little.

"I'm just glad you found me."

"Of course I did. I promised."

Avatar imagines                     Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora