To the moon and back- Neteyam

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what is italicized is in a diary or a letter what's is not the story or people talking.

Dear Diary,

I'm so in love with this boy it's driving me crazy. Just by the way he smiles and says my name, the way he cares for his sister. I don't think he understands. I mean he doesn't know I'm crushing on him badly, but I guess that happens when you're the quiet weird girl of the village. See I feel as if he would understand me being a Halfbreed is hard, but for me it's even harder. My dad Norm still is human some of the time making it hard to bond with him. He's always trying to teach me the human way to live but to be honest I'm not human and when he's in avatar form, he's trying to catch up on his Navi research. So here I am being a useless Halfbreed not being Navi enough for the older folks and not human enough to bond with my dad.



"Y/N I need your help!'"  Norm

I close my journal, hide it in the decaying hole in the tree and head back into the lab to see my father. I was never sure what I would be walking into whether it was a lab experiment gone wrong or him telling me he's leaving for war.

I hated when both of my people went to war i understand why us the Navi are fighting with my dad's people, the sky people.

" Dad, you alright in here? You yelled for me. Where are you? "

"Hey sweetie just wanted to say goodbye before i leave for a little routine patrol, be back in a week or so. Jake and his sons are going so Mrs. Neytiri offered you a room to stay in.''

"Okay, whatever!" I say exiting the room pissed at the world, pissed at Eywa.

"Kid this is important routine. I don't understand why your mad at me for what?"

"It doesn't matter anyway!" I say exiting the room pissed at the world, pissed at Eywa.

My dad is going on patrol rather than being here for my birthday what the fuck. I don't how im going to enjoy a sweet sixteen if my only parent won't be there. He always says this is a big birthday for girls in the human world so why would he put work over top of me, its like im always second best in his mind.

I quickly run outside and hide in my special tree. I used to come up here just to hide but know i pretty much use this place as a second home. It where I think, sometimes sleep and most importantly write. I love writing, it's something my mother loved, and it makes me feel like she with me somehow.

I reach down into the decaying tree hole to find my journal when I feel something else, a letter and a box. I quickly open to the letter and realize what's inside.

Dear Y/n,

   It sounds so bad, but I read your journal, and I'm sorry that everything you go through can't be healed by me. I hate seeing you upset or down. I hate seeing how I can't make your tears be laughter and not sadness. I'm sorry your dad is absent and I'm sorry I didn't confess my love sooner. I'm in love with you one thousand percent, I'm starting to think I can't live without you but know that i know you feal the same way I do, I know I can't live without your heart. I want you to be mine to the moon and back.


                                                                                                                                 Neteyam <3


                     Happy Birthday sorry I had to miss it.

I gasped when i finished the letter i was amazed the Neteyam felt the same way about me it like our hearts are made together. I glace and the box and see small hearts drawn all over it. I quickly open it carefully trying not to rip his hard work and see a bracelet with moon shaped crystals all over it.

I quickly rush to where my dad's plane was but i was to late the plane had already taken off. I fell to my knees in despair a boy I was in love with loved me back. I mean he remembered my birthday when my own father didn't. i guess that true love and I'll be waiting for it.

Every day for the whole week i waited for the loud engine of a plane to over my head and on the ninth day it did. I saw my father his best friend Jake Sully our leader, and his two one my soon to be lover and his brother Lo'ak.

I quickly ran to the plane and drop hatch opens passing my father in anger heading towards love. I ran up to Neteyam and tackled him into a kiss. Him quickly kissing me passionately back. 

"I love you-"

"To the moon and back" He says between our kisses, "Happy later birthday did you get my gift?"

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