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Bit of a shorter chapter, but here we go.

Scott's pov:
I stared at my brother, because MY BROTHER was looking REALLY GOOD for the first time in his LIFE! Me being shocked might have been seen by the other boys, aka me, Jim, Joel, Fwhip and that quiet guy, what was his name again? I think it was Mixer.

Anyways, when the boys noticed my shock, Jim walked over to me and grabbed my hand while I impressidly said:

"Geez Xor, you look good!"

He laughed for a little, then said:

"I'll take that as a compliment li'l bro"

We all started laughing, and then Xor looked like relized something. Paniced, he said:

"Shoot, I forgot to do my hair!"

"Let me help you with it then" the quiet dude said, to everyone's shock.

Xor looked shocked as well, but nodded as the introvert went over to him and straightened his shoulder length black, fade to magenta hair, and put it up into a neat, low ponytail.

We all stared, before Fwhip said:

"Well then, now that thats taken care of, should we go to Sausages place to pick up the love of Xornoth's life?"

He said it in such a way that we all started laughing, while Xornoth turned bright red. Then, Joel stopped laughing and panicedly said:

"Oh fvck, we need to hurry to Sausage's, or else Lizzie's gonna kill us!"

Everyone agreed, and the quiet guy, who's name I think was Mixer and can apparently teleport, teleported us all there. Xor walked up to the door and knocked. Gah, I hope this goes well!

Woo another chapter! I just needed to get the getting ready part from Xornoth's side. The next chapter will probably be about what the others do while Jornoth are on their date. Anyways, that's a job for tomorrow! I should probably go to sleep now, since it's really late and I'm slightly sick, so bye!

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