Narrator's pov:
"The understanding of the ancient Elvish language is something that we.........."

The teacher's voice faded out of Ara's head as she looked out of the window. This was sooo stupid, she ALREADY new ancient Elvish, why'd she have to learn it again? The lesson was going so slow, and it didn't get better when her teacher said this:

"Araya Major, are you paying attention?"

"Uhh, yes?" Ara answered.

"Really? Well, if you were listening, what does the text on the board say?"

Ara looked at the board, it read "ali ray nami mao djegi ujo cayti". Easy!

"Like i thought, you don't know it, miss Major. Well, pay attention next time" her teacher said, turning around to continue writing, when Ara said:

"When death ends, life will rise"

"I'm sorry?" Ara's teacher, Mrs Darkwing, looked confused.

"I belive that's what the note says" Ara said, looking at her teacher.

"Miss Major, see me after class" Mrs Darkwing said before continueing the lesson with shaky hands.

Ara was on her way out of the classroom, when Mrs Darkwing called her in to the room again.

"How'd you know what the text said?" she asked, looking frightened.

"I told you I listened during your lesson, miss"

"No Araya, you don't understand. No one has EVER translated that sentence, how'd you know it?"

Looking at Mrs Darkwing's face, Ara knew she'd messed up. Normal elves didn't know ancient Elvish, what's the excuse that she knew it?!

"Mrs Darkwing, I'm going to be late to lunch, sorry that I was of No help, bye!" Ara ran off before the teacher could say anything else. How was she going to explain herself to everyone?!

A while later:
"YOU WHAT!?" Lizzie screamed so loud that a teacher looked out of his office and screamed at her to be quiet.

"You weren't very quiet either, gran'pa" Lizzie mumbled, making Ara, and the fairy girl from the bus, start wheezing to not get told off.

"What did you say the text on the board said again?" The blackette (who Ara now now knew was Lady Katherine Overgrown) asked, making Ara snap out of her thoughts.

"Uhh, I think it was "ali ray nami mao djegi ujo cayti" which translates to "when death ends, life will rise". Why are you wondering?"

"I'm just trying to understand what that means" Katherine said, and went right back into her deep thoughts.

"Ara, how do you know ancient Elvish without listening during lessons?"

Lizzie's question made Ara freeze. What to say, what to say, WHAT TO SAY?

"Ara? You good?" Katherine said, she had apparently snapped out of her thoughts at Lizzie's question.

"Uhh, yea I guess?" Ara answered.

"Well then, whats the answer to my question Ara?" Lizzie's voice sounded colder, harsher, as if she knew Ara was hiding something.

"Uhhhhh, I guess I...." Ara was cut off by the bell.

"Oh well, time to get to class, see you guys!"

Before the pair had time to react, Ara was out the cafeteria doors. Oh god, what was gonna happen now?!

Any ideas or critiuqe is highly appreciated. Also if you have questions, feel free to ask. Bye!

The Rise of RulersTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon