7- out and about

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It's now 9:45. Melanie and I had just finished getting ready, I was to excited to go out. I called a car for Melanie and I.

Melanie's sparkly blue dress was riding up my
ass, which wasn't the most comfortable thing ever but it was a pretty dress so I didn't really care. Melanie was a few inches shorter than me. I was about 5"9 and she was about 5"5. Melanie was always so stunning even when she wasn't trying.

I always felt bad for Melanie. Her real parents abandoned her at a young age, and she was in and out of foster care until she was 15. That's when she decided to go out and make a life for herself. Melanie was always miss independent. I couldn't imagine a life without my parents. I sort of wish I was as independent as Melanie. My mom was truly the reason why I became famous, since she was a brand ambassador and had connections. Melanie did it all on her own. All I know was I was happy to see her again.

We entered the car, making small talk with the driver. He dropped us off at the front of the hotel, and we saw Bill and Tom waiting outside. I ran to hug Bill, and waved awkwardly to Tom. Melanie shook both of their hands excitedly.

"We're walking to the club tonight and I'm so excited!" Bill says.

"Are you sure that's a good idea? Last time we had to practically carry you back into the hotel," Tom replied.

Melanie and I laugh, and Bill rolls his eyes.

"You should try not to make out with too many skanks tonight Tom," Bill says as he begins walking.

I laugh even harder, and start walking next to Bill. Melanie follows. Tom was just treading behind us. I felt kinda bad so I decided to walk with him.

There was a silence between us.

"Your friend is hot," he says suddenly.

I rolled my eyes. I honestly felt super jealous when he said that. I didn't show it though because I knew he was just doing it to get a rise out of me.

"I know, she's gorgeous. She has a good personality too. Maybe you should get to know her before you decide to sleep with her, but I sort of forgot you don't do that," I reply.

He shakes his head, "I'm sure you've slept with more men than I can count on my fingers."

"I haven't actually. I'm a virgin, and I've only kissed two people," I retort.

He scoffs, "That's not what the media says."

"Why the fuck would you ever listen to what the media has to say? I've had one boyfriend my entire life. I'm a virgin," I say.

He laughs.

"What's so funny about that?"

"It just didn't really seem like you. Most models fuck guys for a living. I've fucked a lot of them, I would know."

I roll my eyes.

Tom was such a man whore, I don't know why he would even tell me about the women he's fucked. Why would he believe what the media has to say about my virginity? Now I'm embarrassed, I don't think I should've told him I was a virgin.

"Take a right here and we're there!" Bill shouted.

I was excited to drink, even though I wasn't a big drinker, tonight felt different.

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