Eunsae saw in the commander's eyes some sharpness while he was talking, she knew that this sharpness was for her... Who would protect her from the commander's anger today? She didn't see him for a month... And she missed him so much... But could she reach him and hug him tightly without being pushed away by him because of his anger?!... She sighed looking at her friend hyuyoon asking for help then she glanced again at the commander seeing him approaching her whispering calmly to her while hiding a big storm:
-"where were you eunsae? And why did you suddenly disappear?"

Eunsae stayed sitting next to the grand ma holding her hands... She didn't say anything... Her face expression was like she's faking a smile hiding her fear of what would the commander do because of her quietness... Everyone was sitting even T.K... Except the commander who showed how much he's serious to eunsae who kept silent... Even though she knew what would happen because of her silence...
-"where were you eunsae? And what did you do?"

Full words... Sharp... Angry... But calm... No body knew the reason of eunsae's sudden silence... Everyone tryed to answer instead of her with any words... The grand ma didn't find anything to say except:
-"sit down Maru... We don't want to destroy our happiness now... You can talk about anything you want but later..."

The commander didn't hear his grand ma's sentence when he shout at eunsae who quickly closed her eyes because of his loud voice as he said shouting:
-"answer my questions now..."

Eunsae started to cry trying to find some power to control herself... So she standed up trying to get away from his sight... But his hand catches hers harshly and roughly stoping her waiting for his answer... Then everyone in the room stand up trying to interfere preventing a big problem that would destroy the love between them... And only the grand ma tryed to push the commander's hand away from eunsae's injured hand who was in pain and didn't say anything... So she said begging him:
-"please Maru... Leave her hand it's injured and it's hurting her..."

The commander tryed to understand what's happening around him... Even though he's seeing eunsae's tears but her stubborn atittude forced him to reject any begging to him... So he said trying to hide his fear and pain of what he's doing to her:
-"please everyone I don't anyone to interfere in this subject... I wanna solve it in my own way..."

Eunsae didn't know how could she bail out from this problem... Because of the mixture of sad and fear emotions filling her soul now... So what should she do? Then hyuyoon stepped small steps to her saying calmly:
-"sir can I ask eunsae this?"

The commander glared at hyuyoon... But he understood her feelings towards her friend... So he said:
-"she have to answer all my questions..."
And here at this point eunsae left her silence... And her hand stand still in anger and pain in the commander's hand... So she said with tears filling her cheeks:
-"I don't have to say anything to anyone specially you..."
Eunsae's words that filled with challeng increased the anger of the commander and the worriedness of everyone... While he looked at her again saying:
-"yes you are... And I won't leave you until you answer everything I want..."
Eunsae wiped her tears and showed that she had a little bit of power to be face to face with the commander saying:
-"I'm still in my vacation... And it's not anyone's right to ask me where I spend it..."
-"that if you were in your house... But that you were in the camp then you're our responsibility..."
-"then the commander Ray alone who has the right to ask me... Because when I entered the camp he was the commander..."

The conversation became much harsh and nervousness started to increase with no ending... in the middle of the worriedness and surprise of everyone and in the middle of eunsae's pain and her begging to the grand ma to let the commander let go of her injured hand... Even the voice of Maru the junior crying sharing their sadness didn't help... The eyes of the commander were surounding eunsae... While he was trying to change his tone of voice to decrease the nervousness... So he said with fake calmness:
-"eunsae... I'm warning you for the last time... Say it before I lose my nerves..."

Everybody lost hope that everything will go well... Eunsae to remember everything happened in the maintenance camp... And how much she was in pain suffering from her pointless love life... The pain of love was controling her... She's even couldn't forgive the carelessness of the commander to her... She's just a good teaser and the commander is a mad lover... Why would they meet like this? The commander took eunsae away from the others with anger totally controling him even with all the grand ma's tryes to prevent their fight... Eunsae was trying all her best to take her hand from his shouting:
-"my hand! Leave me alone... You're hurting me stop this..."

In a minute eunsae was standing the wall behind her and the commander infront of her angry and the tone of his voice was harsh and loud saying:
-"you should know that you're not dealing with someone that has no value so you can just run away whenever you want without any body knowing about it..."

Eunsae lost her courage again after she lost control of her heavy tears because she didn't expect all this anger from the commander... She tryed to decrease her fear and challenge it saying:
-"I didn't runaway... But I got a result that I'm not important to anyone anymore..."
-"stupid result..."

Until now no one dared to come between them to prevent the fight even after the commander took eunsae to the corner of the room away from them to settle everything with her alone... Even though that everyone is still standing listening and looking at their harsh challenge.. Eunsae tryed to let go of the commander's hand so the conversation won't be continued to something she doesn't want she suddenly got surprised when the commander continued with loving whispers saying:
-"we looked for you everywhere... We're almost got insane... I thought you were in danger..."

Eunsae felt that all her sadness turned to reproach and harshness she didn't think for a moment that it would control her when she said to the commander:
-"but from more than month and I'm infront of you and no body asked about me... I even entered the hospital and got out and didn't find anyone except my friends caring about me..."

The conversation moved from the circle of anger and challenge to love and reproach... Because the commander loose his hold from her hand and said:
-"you've made a mistake and you had to bay for it..."
-"is that what I get because I wanted to defend on my friends?"
-"eunsae and I wanted before to defend on my friend and his wife but you got mad from me and you rejected me until I tryed hard to satisfy you..."

Silent moments put them back in past memories... But eunsae was still sad affected with the commander carelessness about her all the two weeks long with its sadness and pain...  everybody was watching those moments with complete silent... But the situation still the same until the commander broke the silence with a new anger saying:
-"you've bunished me well... Eunsae"
-"I didn't want to bunish you but..."

The commander interupted eunsae's sentence that was full of fear shouting:
-"you didn't answer my question yet... Where were you?"

She didn't answer... The cowerdness mixed with painful challenge... Blocked her mind... She didn't know what to do and how could this situation end without her saying anything? Even though the commander understand how much she's sad and in pain but the anger controled him and he couldn't lose its control... He tryed to mix between his anger and love calmly so he repeated whispering to her saying:
-"answer me eunsae..."
Eunsae looked at the floor repeatedly hoping that everything will end with the feeling of fear is back again and she couldn't protect her hand again from the commander when he hold her hand again and she said weakly:
-"I won't answer..."
The nervousness and worriedness got back to force itself on the situation that doesn't end and it didn't end until surprisingly Min entered with a calm smile and happiness on her face saying:
-"she was in the maintenance camp... Because we got a report from their camp thanking eunsae for her cooperation with them for two whole weeks..."
Auther Notes: hi guys I hope you like this chapter .... This story is almost at its end so vote for my story sorry for any Grammer or spelling mistakes :p

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