Chapter 20; To Be Brave

Start from the beginning

When he returned, their three days holidays were already over. He even missed his classes for three days. But his friends were ready with the notes and everything he needed.

"Thank you!" he said to Teena when he found her sitting alone scrolling through her phone.

"Only thanks? Where is my coffee party?" she asked playfully.

"I'll just bring one, right now!" he smiled and went to order two coffees.

While waiting for the coffee he turned to look at her. She was simply scrolling through her phone smiling a little in between. He could not help but admit that she indeed was beautiful. Very beautiful. He smiled recalling his first impression of her. He and Tanu judged her a lot. They thought she was a rich, spoiled daddy's princess. But she was so kind and friendly. She was the total opposite of what they thought. Well, the first impression is not always the last one!


Tanu was very excited today. She would be having her first orphanage visit in the evening. She just can't wait for the classes to get over. They have to do some general checkups on the children. Yuvraj and a few more seniors have explained everything to them. From the things she has noticed about Yuvraj, she has concluded that he is serious about his profession and he is being gentle with everyone else except her. It's like he waits for an opportunity to taunt or scold her. But she was smart. Much smarter than him at least. She will not give him a single chance to complain.

She reached the campus parking at 6:00 as they were told to come. She smiled when she saw Shubadra, another volunteer from the club.

"Hii! How are we going there?" she asked as she reached her.

"Few of us in Yuvraj sir's jeep and others in Snehil sir's car," she replied giving her a small smile.

"Yuvraj sir has a Jeep?" asked Tanu. She loved them. But since it was Yuvraj's so she has decided she will go with Snehil.

"Yes! I do have a Jeep. Any problem with that." came a manly voice she knew too well.

"Why would I have any problem with that?" she said simply.

"Come on guys! Let's go," he said moving towards his Jeep. Four of them sat there. One space was still left.

"What? You don't wanna come?" Yuvraj asked looking at her.

"I'll come with Snehil sir," she said.

"Then wait for half an hour or more because the four of them are busy with some work. They'll join us after some time. So do you want to come or not," he asked again.

"Ok, if you are insisting so much, I'll go with you guys," Tanu answered. There was no way she was going to wait for half an hour or more for them here alone.

"Oh please! I am not at all ins...." Yuvraj began to say.

"Ok ok let's go. We are already getting very late," Tanu interrupted and climbed into the vehicle. Yuvraj just shook his head. This girl is insane for sure.

They reached the orphanage in about twenty minutes. Tanu enjoyed the ride very much. It's evening, the weather is so nice, you are travelling in a Jeep and the cold air is hitting your face, who wouldn't like this combination?

'Shock' would be a small word for Tanu now. The way that Yuvraj behaved with the children there was amazing. Everyone was his fan. He looked so cheerful and gentle with them. She was stunned and a little impressed, maybe. Just a little. They did the usual check-ups and she made friends with most of them because of her lively nature. It was all so refreshing.

While returning Yuvraj dropped everyone to their flats or hostels. Most of them were day scholars, so they lived outside the campus. At last only Tanu and Yuvraj were left.

"What am I? Your driver?" he asked glaring at her.

"Excuse me? When did I say anything like that?" she asked confusedly.

"Then come and sit in front. You sitting in the back seat makes me feel like one," he said.

"You and your drama!" she muttered slowly but without any argument and came to sit in the front seat.

"You said something?" he asked.

"Yes! That you should probably start your Jeep if you want us to reach our destination," she said looking at him.

After ten minutes she was outside her hostel. All this time she was debating whether she should thank him for dropping her or not. The journey was finished but her debate was not. So she jumped out of the vehicle and started moving towards her hostel gates.

"You forgot something," called Yuvraj.

"What?" she said looking at her course and mobile. Did she bring anything else?

"Basic manners. Didn't they teach you in school to say Thank you and Sorry?" he asked.

"I.. Thank you," she said quickly and turned. She could not think of any good argument now. And yeah, she should thank him. It was not his duty to drop her but he did it even without her asking.

He saw her entering the gate and started his Jeep again. She was good with the work given to her. That was all needed for the club. So he can tolerate her for the sake of the orphanage.


As Tanu was busy in the orphanage, Aaradhya decided to take a walk on the campus in the evening. She thought of calling Abhi too but then decided against it. What if he thinks she is too clingy?

As she was walking slowly admiring the view of her campus she saw someone putting a bottle of orange juice in front of her.

"You could have called me," he stated handing her the bottle.

"I thought you might be busy," she answered taking the bottle.

"Busy with what?" he asked resuming his walk.

"With anything. How would I know?" she answered.

"That's why I said you should have called me. It's better to ask than to assume," he said looking at her.

"Next time I will," she said accepting her defeat. He has a way with words.

"I gave you that to drink," he said pointing towards the bottle she was holding.

"I just had fruits before coming here. I don't want to drink this now! Let's have some ice cream," she said.

"Of course! But first, finish this," he stated.

"I don't want to," she complained like a child.

"Aaradhya," he said giving her a look that meant no arguments would be entertained.

She huffed and opened the bottle. She tried to finish it as fast as she can. Once finished she showed him the bottle and started walking again.

"Let's get you some ice cream now," he said matching her pace.

"I don't want it now!" she stated.

"Ok! As you wish," he said trying to control his smile. Her eyes widened. He was supposed to convince her to have one. She stopped, sent a glare his way and started walking again. With a very fast speed this time.

"Can we sit here for some time?" Abhi asked pointing to a bench.
She did not say anything but sat there nonetheless.

"I'll just come," he said and went somewhere. She opened her phone to check any messages from Tanu. There were none. She must be very busy with the work. Aaradhya was also thinking of joining some club, maybe the old age home or something like that.

"Here take this," Abhi forwarded her favourite chocolate ice cream to her. She did not take it immediately. She looked into his eyes.

"I know you don't want it but I insist," he pleaded.

"Thank you," she said taking the ice cream.

Don't! Don't! Please don't! But her heart did not listen. It pounded so loudly in her chest that she was afraid that he might have heard it.

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