Taehyung abruptly stands to greet the older lady but she feels her surroundings are spinning. She held on the arm rest of her chair slowly taking a seat again closing her eyes. Mrs. Jeon rushes to her and runs a hand on her forehead and hair

"Tae.. what is happening to you?" Her voice worried and looked at the man beside her

"Help me to take her to the clinic"
She said but Taehyung shakes her head

"no, Mom.. i.. I'm just taking some rest her.. I want to go home early today"

"does Jungkook know? I'll tell him!" She get her phone but Taehyung thinks he's busy and she doesn't want to disturb him. He haven't seen her message too

"I've sent him a message.. he must be busy.. Mom, I don't want to disturb him"

"None sense! He needs to get in here and take care of you! At least go home with you!"

Ryan stands there just listening in their conversation, he doesn't even understand why Jungkook needs to take care of her though she's calling the wife of their CEO Mom also

Taehyung feels weak and didn't respond to that. She lay her head to table and Mrs. Jeon runs her hand on her back

"Go! Tell him to get in here, tell him his wife needs him"
The man go and do what has been told to him. He wouldn't like to anger the wife of their boss


"Sir Jungkook.. "  Ryan says knocking on the wall of the dance studio to get his attention. Jungkook is holding a video camera shooting the dance practice to post later on their fan page

Jungkook looks after he disturbs his work

"What is it?" He sounds irritated looking at the young man on the open door, he wants to finish it already so he can go to his wife. He just read her message but couldn't send a reply

"Mrs. Jeon.. I mean, your Mom asking for you"

Jungkook lightens his face hearing his Mom's name. She's not usually paying him a visit and now she just did what she told him yesterday

"Where is she?"

"With Ms. Taehyung.. she wants you to take her home.."

All in the dance studio hears him but Anna doesn't want him to go. She walks to her clinging on his arm flirting

"Oppa, we haven't done yet!" She pulls him to her but Jungkook is so done with  her

"Excuse me but i need to go!"
He hands the video camera to one of them and walks outside


"What happened to Taehyung?" Jungkook asks Ryan while they are both walking to their room department

"She's not feeling well. I think she's looking pale"

"Why didn't you get her to the clinic?"
He asked with fasten steps to reach her then they hears Mrs. Jeon shouting from the inside

"Jungkook! Anyone! Help me here!"

Jungkook runs to her seeing her Mom holding Taehyung in her shoulder. Taehyung is unconscious leaning on her

"Mom! What happened?!"

"take her to the hospital! I'll call your dad! Faster!"
She orders and now everyone in the office is worried

Jungkook carries her going to the lift to their car going to the hospital fast. He shakes and calls her but Taehyung seems in deep sleep

"fck! What happened to you my love!"
She's breathing just fine but she can't understand why she's not waking up

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