Christmas special chapter

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"Stop! no peeking or else no kisses for you till new year!" Taehyung shouts inside their room.. Jungkook has been teasing him since this morning. They have a deal that no one should disturb the other while wrapping their gift but Jungkook is being a brat. He never leaves her to have peace preparing her gift for him

Jungkook opens the door but hasn't shown his head hearing her threats. He doubts if Taehyung could take not giving him kisses till new year. That will be a week of no kisses from her and he is sure he can't take it

"My love, that's not fair! No kisses from you is a torture unless you could resist me!" He teases again hoping she will give up eventually but knowing Taehyung. She can do her threat

"Do you want to try me? I'll pack my things and stay with my parents so I can do what I've said"

Jungkook closes the door and never dares to open it again shouting behind it

"No! No kisses and you'll leave me here all alone for a whole week?! I might want to have you instead to receive that gift! You are the only one I want for Christmas anyway!"

Jungkook pouts and Taehyung knows he is. She laughs and threatens him more

"I really do it! If you still want to disturb me! I was just asking you for one hour for me to finish wrapping this thing!"

"but why do you want to wrap it? You can give it to me just like that. I'm sure I would like it whatever it is!" Jungkook never gave up arguing

"where are the elements of surprise in that if you don't have anything to unwrap"

"it is you I only want to unwrap" Taehyung blush hearing it but never let him the one can tease her

"control your hormones Jeon Jungkook or else I'll leave you for real for a whole week"

"alright, alright gosh! What did I have done to suffer like this just because I want to know what is your gift for me" Jungkook even lock the door and leave her

Taehyung laughs hearing his frustration

Hour pass and she's done but for real Jungkook is right. Her gift for him doesn't need to wrap anymore but like what she said. He wants to surprise him

She walks out of the room and search for her sulking fiance. She found him in the living room. The television is on but he's busy on his phone playing call of duty

She walks to him and wrap her arms around his shoulders leaning to his nape. She looks at his phone, Jungkook didn't even side look at her. He was immerse in the game. They were winning

Taehyung pouts observing him, he didn't glance at her till the game is over. Jungkook holds her just to get away from her and stand up walking to their room leaving her without looking back

Taehyung feel hurt. She didn't expected it. She turn off the television and pouts looking at her phone. Jimin message her asking if she already gave her gift

She give him a call instead of replying

"Hello Chim" Taehyung says after he pick it up. Jimin senses her sad voice

"Hey.. what happened?"

"Nothing.. just want to talk to you"

"Tae, you can't lie to me.. you wouldn't give me a call with a sad tone and tell me nothing is wrong"

"But really.. nothing is wrong. I just finished wrapping my gift for him"

"You still wrapped it? I told you didn't have too"

"but I want to surprise him"

"then why you sounds sad?"

"nothing... " She repeats and Jimin had enough

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