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Jimin and Taehyung stay together the whole day leaving Jungkook and Yoongi a day after they come to Busan, they were planning how to surprise Jinah in some cafeteria where Jungkook and Yoongi will come to meet her too

Yoongi stays with Jungkook as he needs his best friend for support, Yoongi knows the girl he will meet is Jimin's cousin and for the heads start, Jimin told Yoongi that Jinah just came from a break up. Her ex cheats on her but now that she's moving on and trying to be open for more meets up than to rotten in her hole of pain like Yoongi is doing for weeks now

Jimin calls her and he's waiting for Jinah to pick up her phone. Jimin pulls Taehyung on his side to hear their conversation


"Jim, why are calling.. it's time for me to sleep" her voice sounds sleepy, eyes closing

"Guess what! I'm in Busan right now and you're going to meet me tomorrow!"

Jinah opens her eyes enough to forget her sleep and shouts

"No! No freaking way! I just called you the other night and you're in your home! I even hear auntie calling you for dinner!"

"But I'm here! And you will meet me tomorrow! Same place at the Cafe in the intersection near your Uni!"

Jimin is so excited for her to meet Yoongi.. he got this feeling that they will click and soon to be a thing

Jinah couldn't stop from shouting. She can't believe her cousin is really in Busan for a wedding

Taehyung that is just beside Jimin hears her loud and clear though the phone is not on loudspeaker. Taehyung giggles

"Wait! Who's with you? I heard laughter!"  She asks after he hears Taehyung's voice on the line

"I'm with my best friend and she's the reason why I'm here! You will meet me with her and the other tomorrow. Is that clear?!"

"I'm so ready and it will be your fault if I couldn't continue my sleep tonight! You owe me milkshake!"

"I'll buy you milkshake till your stomach ache but you have to promise me! No more crying over a  stupid guy that makes my baby cried alright?!"

"who's crying? No one is crying here?!"  She scoff

"yeah, that's good.. I won't hear his name again from you understand?"

"I promise! Or I won't see you tomorrow! Mwuaah!"
She kisses him through the line before dropping the call

Jimin laughs feeling excited while Yoongi on his hotel room is with Jungkook trying to relax. It's his first time to meet someone. He feels he will going on a blind date already

Jungkook throw a pillow over him

"just be yourself...If she doesn't like you it's fine... You just need to meet someone new"

"yeah right, as if she will find me fine. I'm so boring that's why I get rejected, have I told that's her reason?"

Yoongi just remembered the reason why he's being rejected

"Oh come on! Stop thinking about her! It's her lost anyway! Boring my ass! I don't have a best friend that is boring!"
Jungkook scoff fixing the bed they were going to sleep. Yoongi's looks at him

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to sleep, we need to be early tomorrow.. Taehyung is going to fit her gown after a meet up"

"Yeah, I can see that but why are you're going to sleep with me?"

"Taehyung is with her parents and it's lonely in my room so I'm going to sleep here with you"

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