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Jungkook checked all the baggage inside the compartment of his car till they reach the airport going to Busan. Their parents were already there a month ago to prepare for the wedding

Taehyung is still inside checking her purse making sure she didn't forget anything behind. Jimin is leaning on the side of the van having a phone call with his cousin Jinah. She's in trouble what dress to buy. Jimin told her she needed it for her date not knowing he will surprise visit her

"Are we all ready?"  Jungkook asks  making sure they are ready for the flight.. The flight is 9am and they have to be in the airport before 8. It's 7am already but Yoongi is still nowhere to be found

His phone rings and he answers it even before the first ring finished

"Where are you?!" Jungkook asks gripping on his phone, Taehyung walks looking at him worried leaning on his side arms circled on his waist.. she knows it's Yoongi he's talking

"You can wait for me for maybe 15 minutes more or you can leave me, I'll just get on the train or bus maybe?"  Yoongi asks on the other line

"no we'll not leave without you.. we're going to get you!"  Jungkook decides fast

"alright! I'll be there in a few. I'm sorry okay.. I didn't mean to be the cause of the delay. I forgot to set my alarm, tell Taehyung I'm sorry" 

"we're going to get you and make sure the suit is in your baggage Min Yoongi!"  Jungkook cuts the call and pulls her beautiful fiancee on the waist to him, kissing her on the forehead

"don't worry.. he's going with us. I'll make sure of it" Taehyung hugs him, she's extra clingy to him

"Maybe he's not feeling well?"

"no, he's totally fine, I know him, he said sorry for being late.. He said he forgot to set the alarm but I know him, he's being lazy again"

Jimin came to their side holding a bagpack

"Everything's okay? Where's Yoongi?"

"We'll going to pick him up"

They all to get in the car, Jungkook still holding her hand while driving, sometimes kissing it every once in a while

"Why I'm always stuck with lovers? Mike and Joelle were with me last night and they asked me to have dinner with them, why you didn't told me that they are a thing now?"

Taehyung giggles hearing his complains. They park infront of Yoongi's apartment. Jungkook gives him a call saying they are already there and a few minutes later Yoongi is getting in

"Hi.. I'm sorry for being late, Tae"
He said with sincere apology

"Don't mention it. It happens. I'm glad you're coming"

"He knows I'll drag him if he doesn't come"

Jungkook starts again the car to get them on time

"why? Haven't I told you about them? They are so sweet! I never thought Joelle is that kind of girlfriend and Mike! He's so sweet and caring and whipped... They're so cute!" Taehyung continues rooting on their friends

"no you have not and I'm so third wheel!"  Jimin looks out of the window enjoying the view

"aren't you looking for a girlfriend? I have a lot of childhood friends. You're going to meet them. Maybe you'll like them"  Jungkook tries to be a match maker

"them? How many are them exactly? Don't tell me I'm going to meet one of your ex?"

Jungkook kisses her hand again and smile at her jealousy

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