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2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks pass but nothing changes,
he still misses her
She misses him too but somehow they restraint themselves to start a talk..

She's avoiding him,
He's ignoring her
But their eyes are always searching for each other, anyone can tell that their hearts still longing each other's warmth

Taehyung is still hurting, she's tired crying herself to sleep, she's beating herself silently mostly when she's alone in her room. She thinks its her fault why they broke up.

That her love is not enough for him, she herself is not good enough for him, the eyes stared at her every time they were together in the University saying it's a sin to be with him, it's bothers her so much..

For her, loving Jungkook is difficult. There are so many hindrances, not knowing Jungkook is having a hard time loving Taehyung too.

He's a son of an honorable business man while she's a daughter of a doctors, her dad is a surgeon and her mom is a pediatrician

She's degrading herself because that's what they're telling her, theirs words letting her inside of her head. How ugly she is for Jungkook to like her, love her either

She even not expecting Jungkook will just agreed when she said she wants to lay low, Jungkook just let her do what she wants not thinking what she would felt. What would happen to them after that.

Did he regret it? Definitely.

Did she regret it? Maybe, maybe not.

She's expecting him to fight for her, that they should stay together and be strong on whatever problem thrown at them but he easily let her go

Issues still lingered around the campus regarding what happened between the couple. Everyone thinks Jungkook won't let Taehyung go. The man looks like he can kill anyone who comes between them. One look and anyone can say he's whipped a guy

Until 1 day, they got in the University without each other by their sides

Taehyung is with Jimin and Jungkook is with Yoongi

There's so much hearsay, someone claims Taehyung is the one cause of the breakups, some say it's Jungkook's fault for his possessive towards her, her bullies claims she's flirting and Jungkook caught her. Some say Jungkook is the one flirting but none of them can truly answers what happened.

He said goodbye
She said goodbye too
Without a usual fight, they just agreed  with each other's decisions

Jungkook having a hard time everytime her best friend is with them, plus all the guys proposing to her, it's frustrating knowing your girl capturing their attentions. Is he a big joke to them? He's her boyfriend for 7 months but her admirers didnt stop.. he's seeing love letters in her locker slip in there waiting for Taehyung to notice them

Sometimes, he got her phones when she forgot it in his place, he knows the password and tried to look at her messages, there's a lot of phone numbers not registered to her contacts, asking her to go out with them, some are just casual text asking if she can be their friends


Taehyung woke up with a headache. She sleeps late and wakes up early, obviously her sleeping routine is messed up.

Morning comes and Taehyung needs to face her day without Jungkook. It's been a month and she should get used to it by now but no. Moving on is not that easy. He is her first love. She got her phone beside her bed and she's reading some of the messages but none of them belongs to Jungkook

She missed him

She always finds herself searching for him, but ignoring him when he's near. longing to be with his arms but avoiding him. she misses his kisses, his voice holding with so much love and care..

That is what she thought but all of it changes when he easily says goodbye to her. But she can't deny that she's still in love with him

7 months with him is full of excitement, dates, surprises, jealousy, little fights and cuddles.

It will stays in her forever.

She seems strong to others but she can't fool her bestie, Jimin knows everything. He is hurting too for Tae but there's nothing he can do than to be with her to comfort her. 

She got ready. Jimin texted her saying he will be waiting for her at the gate of the university

Her dad drops her and she runs towards the gate. Taehyung shouts calling Jimin leaning in a fence

"Sorry, Jiminie if I make you wait" she hugged him

" It's fine.." Jimin pull Tae to him holding her waist

It's normal for them to be like that.. no malice. They are friends. They stop doing that when Jungkook got angry. Jimin respects their relationship and learns to keep his hands on himself when they are together but now that they broke up, no one can stop him from doing what they used to do

"Let's go to the cafeteria.. I want to have my breakfast with you" he said and took Taehyung's bag for him to carry

"Yeah, I'm hungry"

He leaves her at their table and he will be the one to buy their food. Taehyung gets her book to read while she's waiting for Jimin when Mark, her classmate in literature comes to her

"I, ah.. hi Tae" he greets

She looks up to him and said hello

"Are you alone? Can I join you?" He hesitantly ask, he likes her. He's giving her letters but didn't know if Tae read them

"No I'm not, Jimin is with me, he's in the counter" she points at him

"But if you want to join us it's okay" she smile

"oh, maybe Jimin won't like if I join.. I just want to ask you about the letters?"

" What letters?"

" You didn't know? You didn't see them?"

" No, did you gave me a letter?" She ask confused

"but I always slipped it in your locker"

"no, I don't see any letter there, I'm sorry. Is it important? You can give it to me if you like"

" Okay,. I will. By the way, you look great" and then he takes his leave even before Jimin return.. everybody knows Jimin acts like bodyguard of her

Jimin came with a food and drinks in a tray sitting across her

" I saw Mark talks to you" he starts

"yeah, he ask me about the letters" her eyebrows furrowed

"what letter? Are you still getting love letters in your locker?"

" No, I don't." She answers honestly

" Have you seen one?" She ask back

" No.. I don't come early nowadays"

"you will start to have suitors again Tae now that you are... "

" I'm not ready!" She cuts him off

" How are you?" He holds her hands on top of the table

" I'm fine..." She answers fast

"I'm always here for you babe, you know that hmm!" He caress her hand

" I will be fine, don't worry" she got teary

"Just forget about him and date me" Jimin said smiling. He jokes but it's half meant

She smiles and feed him with a large cut of pancake

"You better finish your breakfast, you're just hungry" she giggles and they both laugh

Jungkook is in the far corner of the cafeteria away from their sight looking at them, he's jealous but that's his fault. He let her go without a fight

He sigh and finish his meal. He needs to attend his first class of the day.



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