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Tomorrow is the big day but still Taehyung and Jungkook are wide awake. They have these beliefs that the couple that is going to get married shouldn't see each other the day before or else the marriage or the wedding will bring bad luck for them but Jungkook doesn't care, he wants to be with Taehyung though the latter didn't agree with him

Taehyung strictly follows the traditions.. she spent a day inside her room the house Jeon's let them use while staying in Busan. Jungkook has been calling and messaging her at least to have some time with him, he sent a message that he's on his way to get her but she didn't come out of her room

Jungkook even thought of video calling her but Taehyung didn't answer it. She laughs when her phone beside her rings

"Kookie, why are you calling me?"
She asks sitting on the floor leaning her back against the door. She pick up the phone looking at the screen. Jungkook requesting a video call

"I want to see you love" Jungkook answer behind it leaning his back against the door too

"No. We supposed to not see each other" she giggles and reject the call

"But love, is it counted? I mean we will see each other through the screen, I can't hold you still"

"Yes it is.. the rules is not to see each other, I won't let you see me until tomorrow" she teases laughing at him

Jungkook pouts and put down his phone facing the door

"Alright... Damned this,.. what would might happen that is not according to plan? I will marry you whatever happens"

He leans his forehead to the door throwing a tantrum

Jungkook was forced to talk to her behind closed doors, Taehyung made him understand that there is nothing wrong if they follow it just to make sure till Jungkook is satisfied and spent the day outside her room just to talk to here without seeing her till it's time to go home

Mrs. Jeon laughs seeing her son in law  finally get up from the floor to take his leave.. Taehyung needs to have dinner with her parents but she can't get out of the room worrying that Jungkook might see him

"I've told you, you get through the day without seeing her" Mrs. Kim says cupping his face

"You're going to see her tomorrow, I'll wake her up early to get prepared, she will be your wife"  she runs a hand on his back smiling at him

Jungkook nods and hugs her mother in law

"yeah, I survived it, I guess"
He squeezed her lightly

Jungkook takes his leave saying 'see you tomorrow'

Taehyung steps outside the room looking around making sure Jungkook is truly left after she hears his car outside going away

His dad walks in the dining room seeing her daughter looking outside the window

"What are you doing?"
He says that makes her flinch

"Nothing dad... Actually I'm starving. Let's eat! Where's Mom?"

"she'll come"

"let's eat! I'm starving.. " Mrs. Kim says walking in and starts to get some plate

They take their dinner laughing, talking about how cute Jungkook is sitting facing the floor while talking to  her

"I'm so excited for tomorrow I think I couldn't sleep"
Taehyung says quietly before kissing goodnight her parents


Taehyung hits her bed and sleeps, she sleeps light because she's feeling nervous and excited for tomorrow, she wakes up every 2 hours as if her body is set waiting for a particular time to get up.. she knows she needs rest to look beautiful in her gown till she opens her eyes seeing the sunshines starting rise through her window

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