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lucas sighed before dropping off the last letter.

lucas gave up on trying to regain cassy's love back seeing that she is clearly not interested. lucas put his hands deep into his pockets and heaved out a deep sigh. he loved cassandra with all his heart but if she wasn't going to pay attention, then there was no point at all.

the clouds above lucas got darker and when lucas looked up, small droplets of water started to pour down and that's when he realized that it was drizzling. he ran to find some shelter and when he did, he quickly dialed his friend's number.

"hallo lucas." his team mate harris seferovic said. lucas greeted his friend before asking for a ride.

"sorry kumpel, i'm out with my friends right now." lucas frowned before bidding a goodbye and ending the call.

lucas looked around and saw a quaint coffee shoppe just around the corner, he smiled and headed for the coffee shoppe. lucas decided to wait for the rain to stop and if the rain wouldn't stop, he would have to walk home.

lucas shook his wet hair and proceeded towards the counter. he looked at the menu plastered above him and decided to get a cappuccino and a cinnamon bun.

his eyes diverted towards the lady behind the counter and as soon as he did, his heart fluttered.

"lucas." the girl said, absolutely flabbergasted. lucas gave her a small smile and couldn't help but feel his heart break.

"hallo jane." jane shook her head and rushed towards her friend. she pulled him out of the line. she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him in for a hug.

"it's okay." jane said, soothing lucas. lucas never expected to see one of cassy's friends again and seeing jane made him emotional because it reminded him of cassy. cassy was closest to jane and so was lucas. whenever lucas had any conflict with cassy, jane would always be there for him.

lucas pulled away from the hug and couldn't help but feel sad because he had managed to make jane shed a few tears.

"is everything okay?" jane asked. jane knew about their breakup and as lucas and cassy's friend, she took it seriously. she shipped them so hard and thought that they were meant to be. sadly, they weren't.

"i still miss her." lucas said to jane. jane cupped lucas's cheek and said words lucas never thought he'd hear.

"cassy misses you too."


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