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dear cassandra,

the stars are shining bright tonight and i look like a loser because i'm in the middle of a football field wtiting a letter.

well anyways, i wrote this letter to remind you about the first time we watched the stars. do you remember that day?

i think it was a day before my match and we decided to stay behind and us being the cliché teenagers we are, we decided to watch the stars.

it felt nice having my arm wrapped around your shoulders and you gave me this feeling where in i yearned for more. it was like i only yearned to be beside and you and call me crazy, but that was the truth.

i really liked you back then and i knew you felt the same way but i felt empty because you weren't mine yet but i knew that i had to wait.

if you really loved someone, you'd wait for them, right? if you really wanted them to be yours, you'd wait.

i miss you cassy. i miss watching the stars with you and i miss bickering with you about bundesliga and i miss everything.

i know we can't turn back time but it would be nice to have my arms wrapped around you again.


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