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dear cassandra,

relationships isn't always about cuddling and kissing, there's also a downside to it. there's arguing, disagreements and the toughest one of all which was the end... of a relationship.

i thought at first that our relationship would be perfect seeing that we were always happy and there wasn't a day where in we wouldn't see each other.

i was wrong though.

our first argument will always be in my mind because it was the craziest one i had. we didn't talk for a week after it and i actually thought i lost you. we argued about the most cliché thing and it was about a girl.

a girl came up to me and started flirting with me and i couldn't do anything about it because she was literally clinging onto me and i remember the look on your face when you saw me doing nothing.

you looked so hurt and i couldn't forgive myself after that because i broke your heart and that's one thing i never wanted.

i never wanted to make you feel upset, yet i did.

anyways, i miss you (as always) and i don't really expect a reply anymore seeing that you don't give a shit about me, but that's okay... i guess.


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