Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


If I had to say anything about my new home, I'd praise how good the bed was to the moon and back! In all my years of living, I've never slept this peaceful in my entire life.

Yawning loudly, I stretched every muscle in my body before my ankle throbbed. That couldn't stop how refreshing I felt. Slowly sitting up, I grabbed my crutch before using my powers to light the lamps on the walls. "Maybe it's time to check out the bathroom," I mumbled while pulling myself out of the warm grasps of my bed. Who knew what time Mizail would arrive to pick me up?

Humming a quiet tune, I waddled over to the door before pulling it open as the light from the main room seeped into the bathroom. I quickly lit up the room with the flames from last night as I hummed at its appearance. Soft brown tile flooring started from the door and filled the room as the walls were painted a beige color. It was an odd pairing but it was nice. Oddly enough, the bathroom looked very human-like with a sink, a mirror, and a backless toilet. Compared to how tiny this house was, the bathroom was big.

"That's neat," I hummed while looking around the room once again before I saw something I missed. "What do we have here?" As I stepped further into the bathroom, I was surprised to see a large barrel that was almost the size of a large dining table. Peeking into it, I was more surprised to see a drain in the center of it and a faucet over it. Beside the faucet were two large buttons with a different language on each. I couldn't differentiate which was hot or cold as I pressed one before the drain closed. Pressing the other button, I watched a cool water streamed down onto my hand.

It didn't take me long to search my bathroom and find some necessities to take a bath. Apparently, Mizail kept his word on this as well and stocked up my bathroom with everything I needed including a makeshift comb and brush! I was so happy! I needed to do something to my hair.

Sighing, I stripped down naked before easing into the cool water as I reached forward and pressed the button again. The water clicked off as I slowly leaned back while heating up the water with my powers. After that hearty meal and a good night's rest, my powers were slowly returning back to normal.


That bath made me feel much better paired with a good night's rest. All I needed now was breakfast. I nodded while slowly combing through the kinks in my long hair. As I focused on my hair, I couldn't help but to stare down at the dark red dress I found in the bathroom. The material wasn't thick and leathery like what the Aloreans wore but it was nice and cool. It had fit me like a glove yet it wasn't tight or uncomfortable. Mizail must've gotten the tailor to make me something when I wasn't paying attention. I nodded as the sudden sound of knocking brought me out of my thoughts.

"Coming!" I called while grabbing my crutch and hurrying to unlock my door. As I quickly pulled it open, I was surprised to see Yusa and some of the other ladies. "Good morning," I greeted as they all  smiled at me before I noticed the things in their hands. "What are those?" I asked as Yusa smiled.

"It is breakfast, suna! You've slept in so we've decided to bring you your portion! Would you like to have breakfast at my house?" She asked as I stared at her in confusion. "The first star has risen high in the sky for many hours now. I think humans would call it noon?" She hummed while looking back at the other ladies who nodded.

"I've been asleep for that long?" I was shocked. I've never slept that long in my entire life.

"Indeed. You're still recovering after all and we want you to gain back your energy." Yusa smiled while the ladies nodded in unison. "My little fledgling even stopped by to check up on you but I told him you were still resting."

"Mizail stopped by?" I inquired as she nodded again. "What did he say when you told him that?"

"That he'd wait for you to wake up. He's been waiting at my house with his lorno." She explained while smiling triumphantly. "I've finally got those two to sit down within the same house."

"Lorno? His father?" I asked as she nodded. "Well, let's not keep them waiting. Let me put out my lights first." I smiled while raising my hand as the flames from the lanterns circled around me before disappearing into my necklace. Upon receiving the flames, my necklace thumped softly. Turning my attention back to the ladies, I was surprised to see their shocked expressions. "Did i miss something?"

"You can also wield fire, suna?" Yusa inquired while I closed the door behind me. Looking back at the ladies, I nodded as they awed in admiration. "Humans can do that now?"

"Ah, no. I can only use fire thanks to my family being fire mages. I believe that I'm the last one that still practice their powers." I explained as Yusa led us to her house while the ladies circled around me like a protective barrier. I didn't know if it was intentional or on purpose, but it was very nice how these ladies were being. I'd have to ask about it later on.

"Do your flames hurt you or is it just like ours?" One of the ladies asked as I shook my head.

"It doesn't hurt at all. It's like my hands are covered in oil and I'm trying to touch water. It's slippery but it doesn't burn me. It warms me but I can't use it a lot as it takes a lot of energy to maintain." I explained as the women looked on in awe again. "Would you like me to show you?" I asked as Yusa stopped dead in her tracks to turn and nod at me.

"We would love to see!" She chirped, the excitement clear in her voice as I couldn't help but laugh a little at her.

"Okay, just take a few steps back, ladies. I don't know how my fire will react with you." I explained as they took a few steps away from me. Focusing, I conjured up a small stream on fire that swirled around me. "It's just like I said." I started while touching the flames as it curled around my fingers. "It's warm and doesn't hurt."

"How wonderful, suna! I knew you were special when I first laid eyes on you!" Yusa exclaimed with a smile as the flames swirling around me disappeared into my hand. "Now, let's go and prepare lunch while Nuri eats!" She gestured as the ladies nodded before we all entered the large home. It was still a shock to see how big the interior was compared to my little hut. "This way, suna." Yusa guided me into the kitchen as the ladies filed in behind us.

Once they got me all situated at the nearby giant table, they hustled about making lunch. "Thank you for the food!" I called out as they all smiled back at me before going back to their tasks. Staring down at the food before me, I inspected the dish, trying to figure out which ingredients were used. It was a cold noodle dish with some type of meat and other vegetations. Yesterday when we came in to eat, Yusa told me that she'd teach me what anything was if I were curious. "Yusa, would this meat be Sfram like yesterday?" I inquired as she looked up from peeling the skin off of a large creature.

"Not Sfram, suna. That's a Sogo. Kaisen brings those from the Undergrounds when he comes to trade. Try it and tell me what you think."

"What about the noodles?"

"Those are sowi noodles. They're made from the sowi fruit that's grown around here by some of our people. Paired with some yoh and they're made into noodles. They're a little spicy but just the right amount to wake you up. But, if you were to eat the sowi fruit by itself, it'll be too spicy. So, be careful in case you're walking around, picking random fruit." She explained with a soft laugh as I nodded. I noted to not go picking random fruit without a proper guide to tell me what they were.

Shaking those thoughts away, I slowly picked up the bowl before quietly slurping at the blue broth. As soon as it touched my tongue, my whole body warmed up instantly. "Wow." I whispered while placing the bowl down on the table just as Yusa put something down next to it. Staring at the oddly shaped metal, I looked up at her retreating form. "Is this a fork?" I questioned as Yusa returned back to her place, diligently peeling at the creature.

"Yes. Though we usually eat most of our food with our hands, some dishes require utensils." She paused to look up at me before resuming. "We get our utensils from the Odeolans at the top of our mountains. Has my fledgling told you about them?" She inquired as I nodded before she focused back on her task while I picked up the utensils.

I wondered if Mizail knew we were here but seeing as his mom isn’t too worried, I shouldn't be either. I shrugged that thought away as I dug into my food, starting with the meat. It was tender, juicy, and full of flavor as it melted with each chew. It's official, I could die happily now.

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