Chapter 14

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The next morning , everyone was in a jovial mood.... They all did breakfast together , discussing about various matters....

"Do you think he will accept the deal?" Seokjin asked concerned.... "Yes dad. Don't worry , I'll talk to him personally.... Anything else?" Jeong hyeok assured while getting up from the chair...

"Hyung! Can you drop me off? My car broke down yesterday..." It was Jae eon who quickly followed behind

"Just a minute..." Jeong hyeok took out his buzzing phone and was stunned....
3 texts from Yoon Seri

Do you know where Mun Yeong is?
Her phone is switched off since yesterday.
I'm worried.....

She's at home , looking after Grandma.
Don't worry , she's fine...
I'll tell her to call you later.

Okay , thanks.

He pursed his lips in indescribable emotions , then stared at the phone screen until it dimmed and went black... did he expect her to text him again? Uof.... Returning to his senses , he then got into the car and drove off...

"Hyung... Who was the man you mentioned earlier?" Jae Eon asked after a while...
"Who , Mr. Chang su?"
"Yeah... You said he'll help us financially , are you sure he's not a fraud?" Jae Eon stated in concern
Jeong hyeok chuckled at him...
"It's very unlike you to worry about these matters... What's gotten into you?"

"A bit of maturity and sense of responsibility."
A moment of silence surrounded them... Then both of them broke out laughing like idiots....


Nabi was staring at nothing in particular.... She was dazed , out of her mind , in some other world... Where there was nothing but complete blankness that extended to infinity.... There she let her imagination run wild....

That was when she noticed that the bell had already rang  , it was that time of the day again....

Breathing heavily , she let herself be in deep thought for a while.... A few more minutes and she would be in her worst nightmare... 5 hours with the college's Playboy , trying not to get in his bed.... So fucking depressing!

Just as she was stabilizing her bouncing heart , the boy came walking towards her with that smile of his.... His expressions seemed like he was upto no good... The way he looked at her made her feel like she was all exposed in front of him... And that he would devour everything in her without mercy.....

Uof! My heart so bounceu
"Hey." He smirked... Nabi smiled welcomingly.... Was this her worst mistake?
Shaking off all her thoughts in a splitsecond , she greeted him the same way he did....

Jae eon who was too stunned with her behaviour , he forgot to think for a while... Normally , she was a shy girl , and would blush when he tried to get flirty.... But now was different , had she become immune to his dangerous flirts?

She snapped her fingers right in front of his face... Only then he came to his senses , she snickered a little at him , then they both began walking towards his car...

Wait.... He looked around... He had not brought his car today , it was at the garage...
Hmph... He let out a helpless sigh ...
"I'll have to call someone.."

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