Chapter 2

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"Kim_what?" Yu Na Bi squinted at the purple head... "Kim Jae Eon" Young Ro replied . "What about him?" She brushed the dust off her sculpture... "He's a senior , and unfortunately someone I know...and the maniac says he wants to have drinks with you...I mean us , but he specifically mentioned you." Young Ro said , disgusted at the idea...

"Umm , maybe I won't go..." Nabi declined , as usual "Great choice sis! I'd rather choose to strip someone than drinking with him!" She chuckled... "Young Ro ah!'re wild these days." Nabi slapped the purple head on the shoulder , making her giggle harder....

"Attention please! I have an announcement to make...." Mr. Woo , their sculpture professor appeared at the door... "This is the last week of semester 1 , and the exhibition is this weekend , so I need your sculptures ready by the weekend... Also , as this will be the last year for your seniors , they are to present their masterpieces in the December exhibition , which will decide their I need you all to assist them."

He finished with rest of the instructions and started walking away...but a thought struck him... "And guys! Let me tell you...the seniors will themselves choose their assistants , so no need to ask me and don't refuse. Byee" he said and walked away.... "Fuck! I just hope that nuthead doesn't choose me!" Young Ro banged her head on the table.... "He won't choose you.....You're not majoring in sculpture remember?" Nabi reminded her for the 100th time...

"Oh right! Thank God.... I spend sooo much time here , so I almost forget that I'm not in this group...😂"


"Ms. Young Seo , a gentleman wants to meet you." The assistant announced on the phone... "Who is it?" There was silence on other side... "It's Mr. Kim Tae Moo..." She said , and Young Seo's jaw dropped.... "Don't let him in" she banged the phone hard on her desk.

"May I go in now?" The man asked the awkward assistant.... "No you can't , Ms Kim denied to let you in." She completed "she did?" Tae Moo raised his eyebrow , "how dare she..." He mumbled to himself... "Mr. Kim , she might have heard it wrong." Mr.Cha Sung Hoon, his secretary tried to reason but was shushed off by his glaring boss.... "I-i'll get the car ready.." he made an excuse to get away from the fuming boss...

"Oppa!" A voice called him and he turned around to see his little sister smiling like crazy... Within a blink of eye , she had locked him in her embrace... He couldn't help but hug her back....until the thought struck him... "Why did you deny to let me in?" He asked Coldly , "because I didn't want you to visit me , I wanted to welcome you myself! If you told me earlier , I'd have seen you at the airport!" She smashed her palm on his chest....

The assistant was awestruck and felt extremely guilty for her behaviour , but Tae Moo noticed it and gave her a warm smile with an assuring blink....Blowing her worries away....'Aw , how sweet he is , and how handsome he is!' she stood there admiring the man and lost into some world of hers.... "Ms. Choi!" Young Seo semi-shouted at the young girl... "Oh so s-sorry Ms Kim" she bowed frantically and went back to work....

"Anyways...let me show you my new company" she squealed with joy "Isn't it supposed to be 4 years old now?" he scoffed , nevertheless got dragged by his sister here and there greeting everyone and showing him every corner of the huge building , and he couldn't help but smile...seeing the happiness in her eyes , he was glad that he didn't chain her to take over the family business and let her follow her dreams....

He was lost into his thoughts until his phone rang "Aish! Why don't you pick up? It's ringing for the third time!" Young Seo said , a bit annoyed.... "Really? Third time?" He picked the phone , after glancing at the caller ID.... "Yes Sung Hoon...what is it?" He asked .... "Sir , I'm waiting in the car_" he was cut off in between "Sung Hoon , I'll stay little longer.... You go ahead and leave my luggage at home."

He was about to click 'end call' when sung hoon shot a question... "At which house sir?" He croaked.... "What do you mean which house? the Kim mansion of course." He answered almost impatiently as young Seo was still insisting on showing something 'very very important' . He quickly ended the call but before he could see the thing , lights went out.

"Seo! Don't tell me There's an electricity issue in your company!" He screamed in the darkness.... "Well , sadly there is , but just for a month...I've looked into the matter and found a permanent solution , so don't worry...." She said , leading her brother out with the help of flashlight...

"Anyways...what were you going to show me?" He asked when they both got seated in one of the cars.... "Ah! Nothing much....I just found my first model , she's my best friend and she's strikingly gorgeous , and all of my designs suit her the best! She's the best model in the world... she's got the talent , the face , the smile , the body , the curves , the ches_".... "OKAY , don't have to reveal too much..." He said visibly panicking..

"Okay , I won't , I wanted you to see the posters and advertisements , but nevermind , I'll take you to meet her personally and I'm afraid you'll like her too much!" She giggled uncontrollably until her brother let out a mocking chuckle... "I'm not interested in women , and besides , I'm afraid she'll like me a way too much!" He argued , not letting down his pride as usual.

"Ooh , the confidence tho! But wait....did you say you're not intrested in women?!? Oppa! are you ga_" "shut the crap...I just meant that I don't fall so easily for anyone , besides I'm not ready for dating and stuff." He corrected her , "Still , I could set you up with someone , if you wish!" she smirked and continuing driving...


"Eomma! Look who's here!" Young Seo screamed from the entrance of Kim mansion.... And a figure came rushing to the door , "Oh Timtim! My baby..." Jennie squeezed her son in her embrace , "I missed you so much!" She continued squeezing him , until he let out a dramatic choke.... She let him go and hit him in the chest ...."Stop being so dramatic like your dad.." she pouted , "Did anyone mention me?" Taehyung appeared behind Jennie , giving her a kiss on the forehead....

"Dad....Have you done specialization in PDA?" Tae Moo chucked , earning a glare from his mother and a louder chuckle by his father.... "It's a god gift" Taehyung gushed and everyone burst out laughing.... "Having fun alone?" A stern looking man stood at the doorway , hands folded and neutral expression plastered on his face....

"Uncle Jin!" Tae moo stormed at him , and locked him in a hug .....the expressionless look on his face vanished and he smiled ear to ear.... "Hi Timtim , how's everything?" He asked , pulling away from the hug.... "The business in Incheon is going beyond well , we've made it to the top 10 in Asia_" "Aniyo! I'm asking how are you...." Seokjin cut him off .... Tae Moo smiled at his confession "I'm great!" He replied... "Let's get in , your auntie has made you's your favourite right?" He smiled...leading him inside.

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