Chapter 3

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"Oh , it's you." Jihyo said nonchalantly as she opened the door wide for her son to come in..... "Of course , who else did you expect? Ah! It must be the psychiatrist obviously , you're such an idiot Jae Eon!" He hit himself dramatically in the back of his head... But his sarcastically painful taunts didn't seem to sit well with Jihyo.

"Jae Eon , Don't forget that I'm your mother , have you lost your manners or lost your mind altogether? Be mindful of the tone and words you use for elders , just because you got a chance to prove my mistake doesn't make you the authority , so better stay in your limits." She warned , pulling out the mother card... "Sorry Mom , I didn't mean to hurt you , but would you please tell me what's happening? And why are you seeing a doctor?" Jae Eon confronted , with his rare worried tone....

Jihyo sighed , seeing that there was no way she could hide it anymore , she gave in.... "I have anger and severe control issues , I used to think it's normal until I came across this wierd video saying it's a sign of brain tumor , so I secretly got a checkup... Luckily I don't have any silly tumor , just that the doctor advised to have some counselling sessions for a month , and so I am." She sighed "Too long explanation isn't it?"..."btw don't tell anyone , just a matter of one week and this drama will come to an end. And don't let it bother you too."


"Here , have some don't eat much nowadays huh!" Irene said , passing kimchi to Tae Moo , "No auntie , I'm full , he said getting up from the seat , but was grabbed by shoulder and forced to sit back....but by whom? Everyone was at the table........"Not yet , not until I shove and stuff all the food into your mouth!" Mun Yeong snapped while giggling..... "Mun Yeong! What a surprise!" "Call me Momo!" She snickered....Irene got up from her seat to hug her...... "Come , have breakfast." She pulled a chair for her and Mun Yeong gladly accepted...

"Are you here for a vacation or something?" Taehyung raised an eyebrow , gaping at her luggage , "Aniyo , I'm moving in here." She replied as if it was the most normal thing ever.... "Really! Wow Momo I'm glad that Namjoon oppa finally agreed on moving here!" Jennie clapped with joy , "Well... Dad has to do some final work on his Busan project... It will take a month maximum , currently only I am moving in , but I'm sure everyone else will very soon , maybe before the family reunion." , she smiled excitedly before gobbling down her breakfast Irene just served her.....

After few more scoops of tteokbokki , Mun Yeong felt like she was gonna burst from eating.... She only took three more bites because of the undeniable urge of her lovable aunties , but when her stomach gave up altogether "I can't have anymore auntie.. I'm gonna burst!" She reassured the elder lady before getting up from her seat....."I'll go and arrange my stuff." She declared "I'll help you!" Young Seo chirped..... But then Mun Yeong noticed that there was Tae Moo , still sitting in his could she miss the chance?

"But before that..." she paused with a smirk and took 4 big gimbaps and stuffed into his mouth forcefully before running away.... That was not it , Young Seo squeezed two more into his mouth , and ran away as he went chasing after them........ Irene , Taehyung and Jennie admired them from far away..... Jin could hear the joyful shrieks and screams even from far away , and unknowingly , a smile crept onto his face......this was the happiness he never thought he would experience ever again..... The happiness of having all the loved ones under one roof.

For some indescribable reason , he felt that this warmth was temporary.....

The rest of the day went by without much happening and without anyone's notice...The only difference was that there was a way more chaos in the house than usual, Mun Yeong and Young Seo being the chaotic sister duo they are , annoyed the shit out of Tae Moo who couldn't help but whine and shut himself in his room occasionally.

"It's dinner time!"


"A very good morning with a very good news!" Irene chirped from the kitchen "Jyeong Hyeok is coming next week!" She said settling on the dining table.

"What? Hyeokie oppa is coming?" Young Seo screamed at top of her lungs.... "Yah!" Jennie glared at her , "Mom! Do I not have the right to express my happiness?" Young Seo complained dramatically.... "You do , as long as it is safe for everyone else...e's ears!" She said and Mun Yeong chuckled... "Then Soo Ho must be coming too..." Mun Yeong said scribbling on a paper , "Yes , he must be missing him too much , right?" Jennie smirked at her , and she returned it....

"Of course....he's the only one who shares his grilled pork belly with me!" She said tearing a page from what seemed like a rough diary , scrunching it into a ball she threw it on the floor... "Hey there! Don't make a mess!" Jennie pointed at Mun Yeong who had a pool of pages around her.... "Come on auntie , did you hire the maids for nothing?let them do some work too...they're lolling here and there everytime I see them." Mun Yeong says , now scattering double the pages on the ground and walking over to the backdoor.....

"Grandma's still sleeping?" Mun Yeong raised an eyebrow at Irene who was cleaning up the backyard and Jyeongyeons armchair lay untouched.... "Yeah...she's weaker nowadays and been on medications lately.." Irene replied shortly.... "Really? What kind of medications?" Mun Yeong asked out of curiosity , settling herself on one of the many chairs... "Long story...I'll tell you sometime , now go and check on her, she might need something." Irene said while taking the wiper set into the house.

"Wait...what do you mean by check on her?No one cared to hire her a caregiver?!? What the fuck!" She yelled , her voice booming through the house... "Yah! Don't curse , your uncle will beat the shit out of you! And besides , the caregiver is arriving today , so you better be a little bit patient , and go check on her for now." Irene calmed her by patting her shoulders , Mun Yeong made an 'understood' face and rushed upstairs...

"Grandma" Mun Yeong let out an upset sigh... Looking at her superpower grandma , lying like a weakling on the bed , made her heart shatter into pieces , she had always seen her grandmother as a strong figure who is the concrete support of the whole household.

Mun Yeong held her wrinkled hands into her soft ones , and within a blink of eye , Jyeongyeons eyes shot open. "Momo?" She whispered weakly , and a tear rolled down from Mun Yeong's eyes "Grandma!" She rested her head on Jyeongyeon's chest in attempt to hide her tears , after she held herself together.

"It's been sooo long ! I've missed you!" She sobbed lightly , earning a chuckle from the elder lady , "If that was so , you should've visited me earlier... Nevermind , how's your new book going? Is it well recieved? Like I supposed it to be? You should've shown it to me before publishing..." Jyeongyeon changed the topic , but the utter shock in Mun Yeong's eyes was unnoticed....

"N-new book?" She stuttered , failing to remember which book she published recently... "Yeah , 'The boy with no face' was the title I suppose..." She stated unsurely , leaving Mun Yeong's nothing but speechless , not knowing what to do , she felt going numb , weak in the legs.... "'s , terrific everyone loves it... Now , excuse me Grandma , I'll get you something to eat" she replied absent mindedly and walked away in her daze...

But something in her mind stopped her from stepping any foot further , she turned around with a blank face "Grandma?" She called weakly... "Hmm?" Jyeongyeon replied , with a hint of confusion.. "I guess you saw the book cover , right?" She asked faking a curious expression...

"Aniyo! You said it will be revealed at the book signing event!" Jyeongyeon pouted while complaining , a nervous chuckle left Mun Yeong's mouth as she rushed out , not able to stop the panic arising from within.... "She's definitely not okay" she unconsciously mumbled to herself...

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