Chapter 9

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Another restless morning in Kim mansion , another shock to bear , another challenge to face.

Everyone was silently chewing on the food , tension arising with each second that passed.... Jyeongyeon was wrecking them , internally.....

Soft footsteps were heard through the silence and everyone turned their attention towards the stairway...... There was Gang Tae , helping Jyeongyeon to walk down.... Everyone gulped in indescribable emotions....

"Stop holding me , I won't fall." Jyeongyeon chuckled as she slightly pushed Gang Tae's hand away... He smiled a bit before following her to the dining table.... As she made her way there , Gang Tae gestured something and everyone snapped to reality...

"Good Morning Grandma!" Young Seo was the first one to  (fake) chirp... "Good morning dears! It's been so long since we ate together." Jyeongyeon said all smiley....

Thousands of questions bugged their minds , but one prominent of them was.... What does she remember and what she doesn't?

"Why is the house so gloomy? Isn't there a party tonight? I don't see any excitement!" Jyeongyeon dramatically threw her hands in the air.... And this was more shocking.... She remembers! Everyone at the table... Except Jyeongyeon were trying hard to hold in their thunder of emotions .... After one dreadful week of unending worries , there came a weekend full of joy!

"Oh! That.... Of course we're excited , but it was supposed to be a surprise!" Taehyung justified , coming out of his overflowing-with-happiness trance... .

"Is there a theme too?" Jyeongyeon asked specifically eyeing the kids..... "Not yet." Tae Moo shrugged... "Oh , by the way , I'll be out for a while... But I'll make sure to be back by the evening." He continued... "Me too... It's the new collection launch today." Young Seo stated.

"Lets head out together then." Tae Moo suggested , receiving a hum in response.

"Can I go out too? I've been indoors since yesterday" Soo Ho huffed...... "Whoever wishes to go out , can go... But be back till the evening." Jennie made it clear before getting up to go wash the dishes....

"If y'all don't mind.... I can decide the theme." Jyeongyeon offered and everyone nodded in agreement


"Where do you wanna go?" Tae Moo asked , glancing at his sister in the backseat. "Joonie oppa's office." She replied plainly.... "Can't you sit in the front?" Tae Moo grumbled "Wae?" Young Seo looked at him questioningly "You're making me look like your chauffer." He rolled his eyes before starting the car.

"Do you want me to pick you up later?" He asked , focused on the road. "No need , I'll return with oppa." She pursed her lips lookng at her screen.


"Oppa!" Young Seo screeched , slapping multiple times on his shoulders... "What!?what is it?" Tae Moo braked  the car alarmed.... "Are you free? At lunch?" She asked , eyes gleaming with excitement. "No I'm not" he rolled his eyes before starting the engine again....

"Well , you have to be! I have plans for you!" She stated , eyes locked on her phone screen , thus , she didn't notice the look he gave her.

Happy Family?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن