Chapter 15 : Summer heat (Namhyo🔞)

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I guess I put a warning right there......?

"Oooh la la!" Jihyo elegantly took off her sunglasses to openly stare at her bff....
Namjoon smirked , only if he could tell her how Devilish she herself looked!
He would have to keep wearing his sunglasses in order to hide the shameless hunger in his eyes....

This girl had long friendzoned him.... or else she would've been walking around with his seeds in her womb by now.......

What a fate! What a shame! Only He knew how bad he wanted to fuck her right then and there.....

Tearing his eyes off her , he spread himself on the lounger next to hers... They lay there for a good 15-20 minutes.... Bathing in the sun...

He hated to go on beaches with her , she would always wear those almost-nothing clothes making everything in him go hard...
Yet , everytime she flashed her puppy eyes , he had to comply and follow her to the beach

Fuck my life!

For him , it was the worst failure of his life... Not getting to fuck a girl that made him needy and hard as fuck...

He gulped down all the wine in his sexual frustration.... That was when he got another bad news of the day... His erection was oh-so-obvious.. fuck it! He had to take care of this!

He clenched the glass in his hand to the point that it was a second away from shattering...

Getting up , he quickly grabbed a towel from the side and turned around when her hand caught his wrist...

"Where the hell are you going? I was about to ask you to a dance.... Come on!" Her warm hand held onto his wrist , he desperately clenched his jaw... The thought of how those hands would feel on his dick made him....


She didn't give him time to think further and began swinging her body with his.... Not now! Not now!
Namjoon panicked.. it was the worst time to do a Salsa! What the fuck was fate making him do!?

Holy Jesus! He could just gulp every time her body brushed past his... Still continuing to torture himself , he swayed with her...

After a minute , the music changed to something else , Jihyo let go of him and began dancing while facing her back to him....

Finally! Namjoon took it as a golden chance and slipped off....

After getting his thing done in the restroom , he sighed..... then after washing up a bit , he walked out , again towards his living hell...

He saw her where he had left her before... By that time , the sun had set almost completely... And he saw the most beautiful sky he had ever seen in his lifetime... Bathed in that light was the girl of his fantasies... Her face flushing pink....

The way she moved to the beat made him smile in appreciation... He went nearer to her , he went closer and closer , until he finally reached the point where her moving hips brushed past his relaxing little friend , jolting him awake in an instant , regret and frustration displayed on his face..

It took everything in him to not get triggered by her little acts....
After feeling that her butt was constantly brushing past something , she uneasily glanced at the back.... Seeing that it was him , her knitted brows relaxed a bit... She continued to dance and forgot to bother altogether.......

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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