"Thank you, officer." said Serkan.

"I'll go ahead. Good night." She nodded her head towards the couple then left.

Looking at his watch, it was already 1am and Serkan couldn't help but sigh and stare at Eda with a warm smile.


"Good morning, Mr. Bolat." greeted officer Clara as Serkan entered the police station.

"Good morning, officer Clara."

"Good morning, Mr. Bolat." said another man who was standing behind officer Clara who then moved back so the two men could meet.

"Good morning. Do I know you from somewhere?" Although confused, Serkan shook the lawyer's hand.

"No, but I know you." He answered.

Serkan looked at him suspiciously. "I was told you wanted to talk to me. What is this about?"

"Don't worry, Mr. Bolat. I'm here to help you."

Serkan was now even more confused. "What do you mean?"

"If you don't mind, I'd like to talk to you in private. There's a cafe near this place. I think you're familiar with it...Ole & Steen?" He smiled.

At the mention of the cafe, Serkan understood who the man was and why he was there. He quickly nodded in response. "Okay. Then let's not waste time. Let's go."

Before turning around to leave, Serkan thanked officer Clara and quickly sent a text to Ceren and Kadir to meet him at the cafe. Luckily, they were already there—continuing what they came to London for.

Upon entering Ole & Steen, Ceren waved her hand, signaling where they were. The two men, Serkan and Attorney Green took their seats, opposite Ceren and Kadir who were confused as to who the man Serkan was with.

"Good morning, Ceren and Kadir. This is Attorney Green." Serkan said. "He is here to help us."

"Help with?" asked Ceren.

"I am the Roseberg family's attorney."

Ceren and Kadir looked at each other, completely surprised and also confused as to how Serkan had met the family's lawyer.

"How?" Kadir asked, looking between Serkan and Attorney Green.

"If I may?" said Attorney Green, looking at Serkan.

"Go ahead, please."

"After the news broke out about the kidnapping, Mr. Rosenberg's wife and daughter, Anna and Jasmine, reached out to me. They said that they had met Ms. Yildiz and Kiraz but were not aware they were linked to you, Mr. Bolat." said Attorney Green.

"According to Jasmine, Kiraz had gotten lost following her around and when they couldn't find you, Mr. Bolat, nor Ms. Yildiz, Jasmine decided to take Kiraz home because she is not allowed to go to the police station." continued the lawyer.

"Why?" asked Ceren.

"I've kept them hidden for almost 5 years at the request of Mr. Rosenberg due to his fear that Ms. Atakan may hurt them—this is why there are no traces of them when you tried to search for information. And we have been suspecting that Ms. Atakan has people around the police station, waiting for Anna and Jasmine just in case they would show up and report her."

"This is also my conclusion as to how they were able to trace Ms. Yildiz and Kiraz on where they were. Ms. Atakan may have had people at the police station during the time you were there and had spotted you, Mr. Bolat." continued Attorney Green.

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