The Truth

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"What I want my money?"

"Why do you owe her money kiri-bro?", Kaminari says while he stands next to Shinso, who seems like he's going to sleep any minute

"She said that all the new students knew each other, later she assumed that they were dating and I disagreed... I can't believe it though", He says while looking over at the four new transfer students

"So what are all you going to do, hand us the information we need or do we need to get viol-", Chuuya-san says but he gets interrupted

"Even if you weren't going to threaten us I would still give it to you", I turn my head to see who was saying this and it was Todoroki

"What? Why? Are you demented or something", Chuuya-san says with a scowl on his face while Akutgawa glares at him

"No, I mean you must be doing this for a cause, and seeing how the Port Mafia runs the city, I'm assuming its because of something we did", Todoroki says while he sips on what is probably tea

"What do you even know you-", Akutagawa-san says but he gets interrupted as well

"I saw my dad's phone call history and emergency emails, on October 6th", he says putting the cup down

"And you didn't do or say anything did you Todoroki-kun?", Dazai-san says looking blankly into Todoroki's eyes

"I tried to but no one listened to me, they said they didn't want to help such a crime-driven country", he says entering the circle we formed while the four of them told us everything

"Wait I'm confused what calls and what help?", I say trying to understand the situation

"On October 6th, the head of the port mafia and head of an organization called the A.D.A phones all the top 15 heroes for help", Todoroki says

"And our state did nothing...?", Mina says with tears forming on the creases of her eyes

"No, absolutely nothing, Me and Chuu didn't have a problem, we faced some octopus-looking creature, but Atsushi and Akutagawa...", Dazai-san says while he proceeds to look at Akutgawa and giving him a slight nod

"We had to face the root of the problem, Fritzgerald, he was the head of an organization called 'The Guild' and he was a tough opponent, his power was reliant on money, and it just so happens he had an abundance of it, if it wasn't for me and 'Sushi putting aside our differences and joining together we would've died fighting him", Akutagawa-san says while he sneakily holds Atsushi Kun's hand

"Not to mention I almost fell off the Moby Dick like three times, Aku had to save me every single time", Atsushi-kun laughs

"And everyone was traumatized, the shootings, the fighting... Everything. Our citizens never lived the same after that day, and the aftermath of such a cruel battle was immense", Chuuya-san says while he looks over to the side

"That's something I agree with because it was our state the Port Mafia had to clean everything, rebuild everything and file a ton load of paperwork, I would usually stay up till 2 am every day while Chuuya-san stayed up till 5 am every day and sleep for an hour before starting it again", Akutagawa-san says while he looks at Chuuya-san and smiles

"We came here to take some information on the top schools around here since we're planning to open some ability training schools around Yokahama", Atsushi-kun says while giving me a smile

"Yeah, the population for ability users has increased and it's our job to take care of them", Chuuya-san says facing the group

"Why didn't you just ask the heroes and the mayor for the information?", Mina says

"We already tried and we were denied. Why? because we were too dangerous to have proper schools and they laughed at us", Chuuya-san says while he scoffs afterward

"Yeah and as he is an executive and a little child, he needed some schools so he could fulfill this plan of his", Dazai-san says giving Chuuya-san a smile while Chuuya-san looked unamused and scowled at him

"yeah and Kyouka-chan, Kenji-kun, and Q-kun all need a place to harvest their abilities in a more safe place than in the middle of fields and in battles", Chuuya-san says before looking down and smiling

"Who are they?", Kirishma says

"Kyouka-chan! She's the cutest, I mean look at her", Atsushi-kun says while he pulls out his phone to show a girl with dark blue hair with blue eyes, and a red kimono

"Aw~ she's adorable! Why didn't you take her with you guys?", Mina says before she whines a bit more

"Kenji-kun is this kid the one with yellow hair and a cowboy hat, he's the best!", Atsushi-kun says before she shuts his phone off

"What about the other one named, 'Q-kun'", Mina says before looking at Chuuya-san and Akutagawa-san

"Well... He's um... Pretty dangerous so no one except Dazai-san was allowed to go near him before", Akutagawa-kun says before a look of cold fear comes to his eyes

"That's my biggest achievement, now Q-kuns strength is unmatched for anyone", he says before giving a smile that could make anyone fall to their knees in fear

"Dazai are you fucking crazy stop scaring everyone", Chuuya-san says before he glares at Dazai-san, but just at that moment Akutagawa-san falls down and everyone looks over toward him

"Babe are you ok?!", Atsushi-kun says before kneeling down to face Akutagawa-san

"I-I can't breathe", Akutagawa-san says while he tries taking in deep breaths while tears start to form in the crevices of his eye

"Stop being so weak. I didn't acknowledge you so that you could go soft of all a sudden", Dazai-san says with what I could say is the scariest glare I've ever seen. He then walks up to Akutagawa-san and slaps him across the face

"Are you fucking mad! You asshole, I can't believe that I trusted you when you said you changed", Chuuya-san says before pushing Dazai-san away

"Wait? What change? What happened?", Atsushi-kun says looking at the both of them back and forth

"He didn't tell you...? Of course, he didn't, he wants to run away from all his problems as he did in the Port Mafia", Chuuya-san says before scoffing

"Dazai-san was in the port Mafia?", I scream out loud

"Yeah, an executive, my 'partner' and his so-called 'mentor'", Chuuya-san says glaring at him

"He was Akutagawa-san's mentor?", I say with obvious confusion

"If you would even call it that-"

"He was! if it wasn't for him I would be weak and-"

"You were a child! You didn't need to be strong, and even if you did... He didn't have to abuse you to do so"



HEY GUYS! thank you so so much for over 13k reads, its literally insane, MY EXAMS ARE FINALLY OVER AND I HAVE SUMMER VACAY SOON SO EXPECT DAILY UPLOADS, OR AT LEAST 5 TIMES A WEEK! I'm going to be ending the story soon and it's crazy to think that all of you enjoy reading my story it's mind-boggling, but I love looking at everybody's comments, its honestly so fun to read all of your reactions, BUT I LOVE YOU ALL SO SO MUCH AND SEE YOU NEXT CHAPTER! <3

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