I love you

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"no I'm saying I love you", Chuuya says, upon hearing that i could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks, I try turning my head away but Chuuya seemed to know what was coming since he moved his head to face mine

"Well hiding now are we?", he says giving me that smirk that says "caught you"

"H-hiding, as if", I say trying my best to not show the emotions plastered on my face

"Well...", he says shifting back to his original position and slowly bringing his hand near the nape of his neck

"Do you have anything to respond?", he says turning away from me

"Well I'm sure you already know my answer Chuuya", I say inching closer towards him until our lips are inches apart

"Can I?"

"You already know my answer Dazai", he says closing the distance between us


"Kacchan I'm sure we've seen enough", I say pulling his arm

"Yeah... Maybe we should've left when you gave the chance", he says ruffling his hair in frustration

"what happened?", I say stopping 

"It's nothing I'm just a bit... Um... Jealous?", he says walking in front of me and lowering his head a bit to hide the blush painted on his face

"You know I can still see that right", I say catching up to walk beside him

"Shut up Deku"


"what do you think is taking them so long", I say looking around to find any clocks near us

"Jinko calm down, Chuuya-san and Dazai-san are responsible adults", Akutagawa who is standing beside me says

"What do you mean by that", I say attempting to cover the redness covering my face

"Are you seriously that immature, I'm sure their not having sex ok", he says sighing after

"W-Well it's not my fault nobody in the ADA talks about that stuff", I say looking down to the ground and shuffling my feet on the dirt-filled ground

"Well that makes sense", he says, after,  he grabs my hand and starts walking towards the changing rooms

"Akutagawa what are you doing, let me go!", I say trying to free myself from his grasp

"Let's go I want to go to the spectator's room", He says pulling me along with him

"Well why with me", I say still trying to free myself to no avail

"Well who else would I go with Midoriya, Pft", he says laughing a bit before he coughs and returns to his normal cold self

"What was that?"

"What was what?"

"That little slip of your mask", I say finally freeing myself and walking to face him

"What slip, I know nothing of the sort", he says clearing his throat after

"Cmon we both saw that", I say after laughing a bit, the side of my eye caught a genuine smile  

"So I guess you don't hate me that much then", I say shrugging

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