Trust please

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"Hey, Aku?", I ask while I lean back against the bed frame

"Hm?", he says turning his head around to face me. We were currently playing some video games in his room since I didn't really want to I decided to just go hop on his bed and scroll through my phone

"Do you think the mission is going to end soon...", I say looking up at the ceiling which was now colored dark blue with white specks scattered looking like stars

"Yeah, Chuuya-san and Dazai-san almost collected all the information we need", he says before turning back to the TV where he was playing

"Oh...", I say before looking down at my phone to continue scrolling before he spoke again

"Why? Do you want to stay here longer?", he says still looking at the TV while his fingers move the joysticks

"Not really, I guess I miss Kunikida-san and Kyoka-kun but It was fun just being a teenager here", I say before getting up to sit beside him

"I agree with that I miss Hirotsu-san and Gin but it was fun beating all these kids", he says while I put my head on his shoulder

"Yeah, guess we have to start packing our bags huh?", I say while I take a controller from the drawer under the bed

"Guess so"

"Also quick question how did they get the information we needed so quickly?"


"Hey Dazai", I ask trying to catch up to his pace

"Yes Chuu Chuu", he says giving me a genuine smile---- I liked it

"Akutagawa told me 'we' got the information needed for the mission... How? Cause I damn well know I didn't do shit", I say finally catching up to him since he stopped in his tracks for a second. He then sighed before opening his mouth to say something----- nothing came out

"I got it", he said before turning to look at my face. We were currently walking down the street to get back to U.A

"Well, no shit Sherlock. How though?", I ask while he continues to stare at my face blankly---- comparing it to how smiley he was until a while ago, I was starting to regret bringing it up.

"I snuck into Principal Nezu's room", he said before continuing to walk after

"oh... WHAT!", I say standing in place to absorb the information given until I realized... HE SNUCK INTO WHO'S ROOM?

"DAZAI! Oh My God you're kidding- That's the reason you weren't there when I went to your room on the day of the class truth and dare session... You sly motherfucker", I say before laughing a bit afterward

I didn't know why I kind of felt betrayed. Was it the fact he didn't let me in on his plans or the fact he didn't trust me enough... or was it both----- funny

"I'm so stupid for thinking we actually could have a real relationship for once", I say before walking a bit faster than him----- I didn't want to see his face,

"What? No, no of course we can what are you saying chibi-", he says catching up to me before grabbing my hand to make me face him. It didn't work

"Dazai, did you really not trust me enough to tell me? You're boyfriend- No screw that- YOUR PARTNER?!", I say before sighing I shrug off his hand around my arm. I could feel tears starting to form but I suck It up.

"No, Chuuya, No of course I do, but-", he says catching up to me, I could hear his footsteps on the floor, and I could also feel my heart shattering------ I was delusional

"But what! Didn't see me human enough to tell it too, to even worse are you just going to leave this all behind once we go back to Yokohama, LEAVE ME BEHIND- AGAIN- Just- just leave me alone", I say before sprinting across the street. I gave a quick glance at him. I think he was upset. I don't even know anymore. I don't want too

As I continued to run down the street, tears streaming down my face, I could hear Dazai's voice calling after me. But I didn't want to stop. I didn't want to face him, not right now. But of course, my escape was short-lived. Suddenly, a hand reached out and grabbed me by the shoulder, pulling me back. I stumbled and turned around to face whoever it was, my heart racing with fear.

It was Atsushi.

"Chuuya, what's going on? Are you okay?" he asked, looking at me with concern. I hated it. I hated the pity he was giving. I just shook my head and wiped my tears away.

"I'm fine. I just... I need some time alone," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. Atsushi hesitated for a moment but then nodded.

"Okay. Just... be careful, okay? I heard from Aku that the mission is almost completed and that we're leaving soon, and I don't want anything to happen to you.", he says giving me a small smile. I managed a small smile and nodded back at him before turning to leave again. But as I took a few steps away.

I heard Dazai's voice again.

"Chuuya, please. Just talk to me," he pleaded, his voice cracking with emotion----- I think that was the first time I ever heard him do that. I stopped in my tracks and turned to face him.

"What's there to talk about, Dazai? You didn't trust me enough to tell me about your plans. What else is there to say?", I say while trying to wipe the tears that were lingering around my eyes. Dazai looked at me with an expression---- his eyes filled with regret, and sorrow-----I don't know what is was but it felt like I was carrying whatever he was feeling too.

"I'm sorry, Chuu. I should have told you. It was a mistake. But please don't leave like this. We can work this out.", he says reaching out to my hand below. I didn't know what he wanted. A handshake or to hold. I hesitated for a moment, then sighed.

"I don't know, Dazai. It just... hurts, I thought we got over this stupid loyalty thing and-"

"I know. I'm sorry. But I love you- Chuu, please. I don't want to lose you.", he says looking into my eyes----- I could see everything behind it. It was weird. For a moment, we stood there looking at each other. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest, torn between whether I should run away or hug him and embrace him so I could just feel his warmth.

"Funny you say that Dazai. You already left me once forgot-", but before I could say anything more, a sudden commotion broke out on the street. I turned to see a group of people running towards us, their faces full of anger. Without warning, they lunged at us, and we were quickly surrounded by a group of armed men. My heart raced as I realized we were in danger.

"Dazai, we need to get out of here," I said urgently, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards me. But before we could even take a step, one of the men grabbed me by the arm and pulled me away----- I couldn't use my powers and I didn't know why, I try using my years of experience with martial arts but even with that I struggled to break free----- his grip was too strong.

"Dazai!" I screamed, looking out for him. He was passed out while being carried by some men in black

he was gone. The first thing that ran through my mind was why we even fought, why did I have to be so stubborn, even if all I wanted was to hug him and wrap my arms around his obnoxiously tall body----- I missed him----- I missed the chance to reconcile----- sadly I couldn't think anymore when everything went dark.

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