Transfer students

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"Are you guys ready to go?"

"Never better then ever"


"You guys have 4 new transfer students joining us this year", I hear Mr. Aizawa say before signaling them to enter

Well this was unusual for multiple reasons, number one, this was second year, you'll usually have to past the entry exam before being able to enter U.A, the second reason is that the maximum amount of people in class 1A has already been reached. In conclusion this must mean the new students entering were really strong.

As I finish my conclusion the 4 new students enter class, one was with ginger hair and blue eyes, the other one had brown eyes and hair, the third one had black hair but in the end of their fringes was white, he had black eyes and the last students had grey hair with a purple strike on their bangs and he two colors in one eye, yellow and purple

"Im Chuuya Nakahara, I was living in Kyoto with the others before shifting here in Musutafu, and I enrolled in U.A not soon after, I hope all of us can get along", the ginger with blue eyes said

"Im Dazai Osamu, I was also living in Kyoto, in the same neighborhood as Chuuya and that's how we know each other, my family got a job here and I enrolled in U.A since I've heard this is the best hero training school here", the man with brown hair and brown eyes said

"Im Akutagawa Ryuunosuke, I was in Sagano High school based in Kyoto before shifting here for personal reasons", the boy with black hair and white tips said

"Im atsushi Nakajima, I was also in Sagano High school based in Kyoto before shifting here since my mother wanted to be closer to her family", the man with grey hair and dual colored eyes said

"Now that we're done with introductions. Dazai, Chuuya you both can sit next to Bakugou and Atsushi, Akutagawa you both can sit next to Midoriya", Mr. Aizawa says before the bell rings, which commences the first class


"Hey Dazai! Even though we have a plan, the teachers going to ask to introduce ourselves, and we can't exactly say, OH YES! I'm here to-", my sentence was cut short when Dazai placed his finger on my lips signaling a shush before removing it and looking around

"Chibi don't worry, we'll say that you and I were neighborhood friends and Atsushi-kun and Akutagawa-kun here say that their from the same high school, there problem solved", he says winking after

"your going to be the death of me I swear", I say planting my face I side my palms

"Shouldn't we talk about our abilities or here they call it "quirks", while introducing ourselves?", I hear Atsushi say looking at the three of us

"But then that would spoil the surprise!", Dazai says looking at me

And I knew exactly what he meant, as a duo there's no one in all of Japan that could beat us, and knowing this I smirk right back at him, signaling a "yes"

"Well then! Let's all do our best", Dazai says before waking into class


Lucky for us, the first peroid today was hero training, meaning the new students would also have to show us the extent to the power they hold, not to mention they didn't seem to tell us their quirks while introducing the,selves, so we didn't really have any insight on how they might fight

To my surprise, Dazai and Chuuya walk out of the changing rooms in suits, I knew Dazai had a few bandages covering his neck area but he also had it covering his arms till his wrist. he was wearing a white collared t-shirt, on top of that he had a striped blue shirt, and on top of that, he had a black vest, and on top of the black vest he had a light brown coat, his pants were a normal light cream color.

Chuuya was still wearing the choker from earlier, he had a similar white collared T-Shirt, on top of that he wore a grey vest, and on top of that he wore a mini jacket, which was black, but it was rolled up which revealed a light reddish brown underneath the sleeves, and on top of that he wore a black coat with its inside being a brownish-rosy color, and black pants, and to top it all off he had a hat with a brown stripe crossing on top of the base

Not soon after them Atsushi and Akutagawa exited the changing rooms. Atsushi was wearing a white collared T-shirt with a loose tie, he wore 3/4th black pants, and his belt had two straps which connected near his collarbone area to his back, along with that he had black fingerless gloves. With Akutagawa's costume you couldn't see much, other that he had a coat covering almost everywhere on his body including his arms and most of his legs.

"HAHAHA EMO GUY WHAT ARE YOU WEARING", I hear Kacchan say behind me

"Pardon me?", I hear Akutagawa say while Atsushi tried rushing him over to Dazai and Chuuya

"YOU HEARD ME! What's with the getup", Kacchan says walking closer to him

"Jinko, let me go", I hear Akutagawa says as he struggles to let himself free himself of the grasp of Atsushi

"Kacchan, cmon don't pick a fight when training hasn't even started", I say trying to drag him back to Kirishima and Kaminari

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO NERD!", i let go of his arms and cover my ears, he turns towards me and secretly bends down to face me, saying a few words before heading towards Kaminari and Kirishima


"Now isn't that a sight to behold?", Dazai says looking at Midoriya and Bakugou

"Who Midoriya and Bakugou?", I say walking to stand beside him

"Yes them, I think there's something going on between them", he says before turning his head to face me

"Well then Chibi let's do this?"

"Hell yeah!"

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