truth and dare

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(all the matches are finished and the school day is over, now they're back at the dorms)

As I get into the shower, which was by the way surprisingly warm, most showers (in Yokohama) are ice cold since they're reluctant in trusting other areas of Japan so they provide water via rivers, lakes, and any nearby oceans which don't cross other areas

I get out wrapping a towel around my waist and exit the bathroom to scavenge for any decent-looking indoor clothes, but I'm surprised by Jinko who was inside my room. on my bed? GOING THROUGH SOMETHING! I quickly snatch what he was reading.

"Well hello to you too Akuta-", he stops mid-sentence to look over at me

"Well hello to you as well but what happened to knocking and permission?", I say and sigh after placing the book down on the study table

"U-Um M-Mind putting o-on some c-clothes first", he says, stuttering the entire sentence

my cheeks tint a bit before looking into my suitcase, picking out some decent clothes, and shutting myself in the bathroom. That was embarrassing, I clothe myself and brush my teeth before I exit to once again meet Atsushi admiring my drumset

"I didn't know you played?", he says looking up at me with sparkles in his eyes

"Um, yeah I play a little but only in my spare time which is barely any", I say collapsing next to him

"What kinda songs do you like?", he asks laying down next to me

"Well I like artists like arctic monkeys, the neighborhood, Chase Atlantic, Kanye West, and The weekend", I say turning my head to face his, but he's looking straight up where the walls are painted in a dark sky blue with white stars painted

"Really? I actually listen to all the same artists", he says turning his head to face mine and laughing a bit afterward

Suddenly the mood changes, it's tenser, and awkward, and I don't know why, my stomach is knotting itself inside out and I start to get nervous, all for a reason I'm not sure of, without  thinking my body moves by itself and I start leaning closer to him, but my actions are cut short with my door barging open

"Atsushi-kun!", Dazai-san says as he skips toward him

"Akutagawa!", Chuuya-san calls out to me and sits next to me

"The kids downstairs are calling us for a game of truth and dare you up for it?"

"Yeah sure"


As we exit the room we end up splitting into pairs, me and Dazai walk together while Atsushi and Akutagawa walk downstairs alongside each other, I make sure that they're at a distance that they couldn't hear us

"Dazai, did we almost walk in on them making out...", I say giving a weird face (- like this)

"Key word 'almost'", he says laughing afterward

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?", I say giving him a smile that only he could interpret what I was talking about

"Operation Matchmaking", he says giving me a smile

"Yes, oh god, we haven't done it in years come on!", I say nudging him a bit hoping I'm convincing him

"I know, the last time we ended up matchmaking a couple,  one of them ended up dying", he says giving me a quick flashback

"well yes, but we have to", I say trying not to think of our dead friend

"Ok fine, let's do operation matchmaking", he says holding out a fist, and I extend one to


"Dazai! Chuuya! you guys are finally here, come sit down next to Bakugo", we hear a girl names Mina asks both of us, as we sit down next to him he whispers in my ear

"I'm beating you next time", giving me a scowl afterward before Midoriya taps on his shoulder and scolds him

"sorry about him, he's just really competitive", Midoriya says giving us a small sorry and thank you before talking to Bakugo again

"I'm beating you any day. Anytime and anywhere", I say whispering back to Bakugo

"YOU EXTRA, YOU'RE SO DEAD", he says sparking some explosions within his palm

"YOU WANNA GO BLONDIE?", I say glowing red

but it's cut short when I feel a hand on my nape, and Bakugo is stopped by Midoriya once again, which further proves my point of them secretly being together

"chuu~", Dazai says giving me a smug smile, ew

"Ugh ew, get your hands off me", I say removing his hand which was on my nape

"Why must you be so mean", he says placing a hand on his heart and pretending to be hurt

"and why are you so annoying", I say rolling my eyes at his sentence

"Oh come on-"

"stop talking", I say sitting down in my original place

"chibi~", he says trying to wrap his arms around me

" oh my god you are so annoying", I say trying to not slap him

"Cmon you know you love me-"

"No, I hate you with every inch of my body", I say massaging my temples afterward

"That's not a lot of inches", he says laughing 

"oh you're so funny-", I say trying to punch him, but miss. Every. Single. TIME. I give up at the end and just sat in annoyence

"Mackerel", I say scowling at him

"Chibi", he says sticking his tongue out

"bandage waster", I respond sticking my tongue out as well

"Slug", he says punching me lightly on my arm

"Don't they remind you of Midoriya and Bakugo but replace the shouting with fighting", Mina says giggling afterward

"Anyways now that is settled down... Let's start!", she says looking around the circle

"Akutagawa truth or dare", Mina says with an evil smirk plastered on her face

"um... Truth", he says, which is pretty wise, with that smirk it could range from dancing to being expelled

"Damn, Ok... Hm... Is there anyone you currently like, like romantically", she says crossing her feet and leaning forwards

"Yes, I do", he says, cheeks getting redder with each word

"WHO!", she asks attentively

"one question, one turn", he says giving her a smug smile before looking at everybody around the circle, and his eyes land on mine, he leans towards Atsushi and whispers something before Atsushi laughs and nods

"Chuuya, truth or dare", he says looking at me, and it was not only him but Atsushi as well, what could they have in store for me

"Dare", I say, I wasn't going to go for the easy choice, along with that... telling the truth doesn't interest me

"Yes!, sorry, um... spin blindfolded until you fall over, and whoever you fall to, you have to kiss them", he says giving me an innocent smile. 

Oh my god, I hate him so much right now

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