Operation matchmaker

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"Ah, Thank you Chuuya-san really, but there's literally a 0.000000001%", I say trying not to laugh about his suggestion

"Hey! Look, I just have a feeling will you trust me?", he asks extending an arm to me

"Ok fine", I sigh after and giving him a handshake

"Ok deal is done! Also, Dazai is talking to Akutagawa-kun right now", he says looking over to Akutagawa's room

"What why!", I exclaim, I'm sure everybody who was asleep was up now

"Wel, it might be a bit hard to believe but...", he says, I think he's a bit unsure If he should reveal it or not


"He said that he no longer craved Dazai's approval anymore", he says smiling after

"No way! Actually?", I ask trying to suppress a smile. I fail.

"I know, it's exactly how I reacted", he says turning his gaze to the floor, continuing to smile

"But what made him change his mind", I eagerly asked, I knew Akutagawa and he lived for Dazai-san's approval so this made me question almost all my life choices

"He said he sought someone else's attention now", he says looking at me and smiling

"Oh... Who?", I ask with my voice dropping due to disappointment



"Akutagawa-kun~", I hear Dazai-san enter my room without knocking. Do all the ADA members do this?

"Yes Dazai-san", I say closing my book and closing my pen with a cap

"I have a favor to ask from you", he says leaning against a wall after closing my door

"I'm sorry to inform but we are in different agencies now, I no longer need to do your bidding", I say sighing and turning myself around in my chair to face him

"And why is that?", he asks, I would say he's a bit surprised right now as well

"I no longer seek to impress you", I say looking at him directly at eye level


"What is it Dazai-san", I ask him, he doesn't do anything nor does he show any emotions

"I'm proud of you"

"I no longer wi-"

"I know, that's why I'm proud, you were finally able to grow up kiddo", he says, I think giving his first-ever genuine smile at me

"Thank you, but I assume that's not why you're here", I say, internally smiling back but emotions were a thing for people who grow weak. I am not weak

"I came here to ask you a few questions, mind sitting down with me", he asks pointing to my bed, still messy from my Rendez-Vous with Atsushi here

"Um ok", I say moving over to sit down on the bed where he's already sat

"Tell me do you still believe emotions are a sign of weakness", he asks while looking into my eyes

"Yes", I say firmly, once taught it's hard to unlearn, unlucky enough Dazai-san was the one to teach me

"Akutagawa this will be our last lesson, from then on we talk as friends, co-workers", he says but his sentence is unfinished, he wants to say something more but hesitates

"Partners", he says giving me another genuine smile

By now I could feel tears coming but I suppress them by closing and opening my eyes a few times before looking at my ceiling light and back to him

"Dazai-san why are you asking about my emotions", I ask still trying not to let the tears escape my face

"I want you to unlearn it"

"I can't do that Dazai-san"

"I was a kid when I taught you that", he says sighing after

"You're one as well, back then and still now, I was an asshole, you should cry if you feel like it", he says patting me on my shoulder

I could feel the tears finally manifest into the crevices of my eyes, before I could react tears start streaming down my face and to my chin, and it just continues at least that was until I started wiping them away in embarrassment

"Why are you telling this to me now?", I ask sniffling between every few words

"Because I learned this as well, just a few days ago though", he says looking up to the ceiling which was painted sky blue with starts drawn all over

"Chuuya-san?", I asked, hoping he'd get my implementation, seeing the expression my his face (which is rare) I guessed correctly


"Jinko and I heard Chuuya-san ask to be your boyfriend when we were hiding in the trees", I say simply stating the truth and shrugging my shoulders

"Oh", he says, I assume his face is turning red because he's embarrassed

I guess Dazai-san really has changed

"I'm glad", I say smiling for once

"What for?", he asks looking up to the ceiling once again

"That you're finally human, never thought you were one up until now",  I say looking back at him, who was already looking at me

"You should join the ADA", he says looking at me


"Aw~ why not?"

"The port mafia's pay is good, I like buying expensive things for Gin", I say smiling, thinking of my sister's happy face when I get her new knives that she uses for work

"And I've found comfort within everybody there, Hirotsu-san, Anne-san hell even Higuchi", I say continuing to smile, they were all like my family to me

"What about Chuuya?"

"He's like the father I would've had", I say looking at him, he was already smiling

"I'm glad to hear that", he says getting up and going to leave

"Don't forget th-"

"That emotions aren't all that bad?", I answer his question with doubt 

"Yes, exactly", he says opening the door

"Hey Akutagawa", he says turning to look at me

"Yes Dazai-san?"

"Go confess to him already"


I sigh, how could I really have done this to myself, I mean confessing to Akutagawa was one thing, BUT A DOUBLE DATE WITH CHUUYA-SAN AND DAZAI-SAN? I groan even thinking about how awkward it's going to be

"Hello Atsushi-kun~", I hear Dazai-san pop out of the corner, probably dragging Akutagawa

"Hey, Dazai-san... what are you doing to Akutagawa?", I ask looking a bit sideways to see Dazai-san grabbing him by the wrist

"Dazai-san, I shall request again, please let go of my wrist", he says struggling

"Your wish", he says letting go, as he does Akutagaw leans forward and falls on me


"Hey mackcer-", chuuya-san says but stops mid sentence

"I feel like I shouldn't even question anymore"

Mission Yokohoma (soukoku)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя