The Dreamless Future (the Sunlight Stills Shines Bright)

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A/N: So...hey, I didn't disappear for 6 months at least! Hopefully you guys enjoy this next chapter, as things start to progress more and more intensely!


Thick, suffocating tension filled the room, following Izuku's outburst. 

Nausea seemed to gurgle and thrash violently in his gut, the reality of what he just did making him want to hurl. 

Did he really just demand  Katsuki- and let him highlight, Katsuki flipping Bakugou- for answers? Would the blonde be so absolutely furious he would burn down the hospital in the state he was in?! Oh Kami, what if-

"I guess life is too short to carry on acting like a prideful b*tch to everyone." Katsuki muttered, so quiet Izuku almost thought he had imagined it, "Fine, I'll commit to the sentimental sh*t you live for once, stupid Deku."

Snapping his concerned gaze to the blonde's reserved ones, the silence flooded the room for a few more moments. A nervous itch trembled up Izuku from his very fingertips to his brain, the dread of the truth utterly terrifying. 

"My quirk had a development." Bakugou started, his eyes straying from those creepy big orbs that seemed to show Katsuki his every little weakness, and instead focused on his ugly-red hands. The scars on his skin were star-shaped bursts, painting his flesh with burnt supernovas. "Because it was combined with another damn quirk." 

An almost comedic silence reigned in the room again, as Izuku stared unseeingly at Kacchan with wide eyes. 


The vein on Katsuki's forehead was notably twitching as he grew annoyed; "What the f*ck do you mean 'ha?'! I told you what you asked for, you damn nerd!"

"Wait- sorry Kacchan just- what on Earth do you mean your quirk combined with another quirk?!" Izuku questioned, collapsing on to the chair by Katsuki's bedside. 

"I mean what I flipping said. I inherited another quirk. Its power combined with the power of my explosions and- damn it- I guess it was too much for my body to handle, even though I'm f*cking incredible!" 

"Well, that makes sense I guess, if I were to believe the basis that quirks can be transferred in the first place. But then...Kacchan." Izuku chewed on his thoughts, as their eyes locked fearlessly. 

"Who gave you their quirk?"

A knock sounded on the hospital door, before a tall, blonde man with dark eyebags and flowy clothing walked in. Unaware of the visitor, Toshinori Yagi cheered in relief. 

"Young Bakugou, I am so glad to hear that you are alright! I am so incredibly sor-" Yagi started, before noticing Izuku's striken expression, "-ry. Oh."

"Oh." Izuku whispered in a similar manner, his eyes so wide they were about to pop out its sockets. Tears unwillingly grew, muddling his vision, even though Izuku wanted so much to be happy for Kacchan. He hated it- absolutely despised the way jealousy and bitterness stained his tongue. 

"All Might. All Might is the one that gave you his power." Izuku swallowed heavily, looking between two of the most important people he has ever had in his life. It felt strangely like betrayal, even though they owed Izuku nothing at all. 

"Young man, you under-" Yagi tried to affirm, but Midoriya couldn't stay here any longer; he was going to burst if he did. 

"I won't spread this secret." Izuku whispered, the chants of- why not me? If a quirk could be transferred, why could I not be given a chance?- hidden deep inside his mind. "I have no one to spread it to anyways." Midoriya offhandedly commented, and he could feel it; feel himself revert back to the person he was only a few months prior, before Mina and Shoji and being Midori and Eraser and the Detective. 

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2023 ⏰

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