Who is Midori?

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Aizawa Shota was annoyed. 

Contrary to popular belief, he isn't usually annoyed. Indeed, there are times where things make him sigh, and make him want to drown out the world. 

But this...this was certainly a new level.

Limelight heroes. 

Aizawa doesn't hate them, of course, limelight heroes are that- heroes. They save people, and they help people, and they fight villains who do the opposite; Shota is a hero himself. 

What's annoying him of course... is the sheer audacity some of those heroes have- all shows and no effort. 

Society builds those with the right quirks that as long as they have a strong, destructive quirk they can be heroes. 

It makes Aizawa grit his teeth each time. 

Heroes existed before quirks did. It's not about whether or not you have the flashiest power, or whether or not you can attract the most amount of fans so you can make more merchandise. 

It's about the heart. 

It's about how to save people, even if it's just one person, and it's about having the drive to push yourself further, and higher, so you can build more people up. 

It seems many are forgetting that these days, and who has to clean up after their messes?

Don't even remind him. 

A familiar ring tone vibrates his phone, which is on the desk in front of him, paperwork fluttering around. 

Pinching his nose at the sight of the number he had come to memorise after so many years, Aizawa picked up with a grumble. 

"What is it Yamada?"

"I have something I think you'd be interested in, Sho."

Hizashi didn't usually talk in that tone unless it was work-related. A little dollop of dread swarm in Shota's stomach, as he urged his best friend to continue. 


A clear of the throat could be heard from the other line, and a click of the keyboard filled the short silence.

"Take a look at what I've just sent you." Shota heard the blonde say, the raven-haired male already scanning work email. 

Clicking on the attached screenshot, Aizawa scanned the direct message sent to the Voice Hero, and breathed a sigh of wonder and fear. 

"This analysis...it's not got the proper format a professional would have, but the ideas and descriptions here are..." Aizawa cut himself off to put his face in his palms. 

"God kill me."

"Don't be so dramatic Sho! This could be a good thing!" Hizashi chirped on the other end of the line. 

Aizawa looked up to scan the screen once more and contemplated that thought process. 

Dear Present Mic,

I am a huge fan and I can only hope this reaches you! I love analysis but I've been told it's a little...uncomfortable to some, so please feel free to ignore this if it reaches to you at all that is! I promise I'm not a person of danger..!

Name: Present Mic 

Civilian name: Hizashi Yamada

Quirk: Voice. Allows him to him to increase the volume of his voice, giving him the ability to create loud high pitched sounds.

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