Breaking free from the chains (that was your love)

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A/N: Hey everybody, it's me again and hopefully you all will enjoy this chapter!


Despite the media still going crazy, Izuku and Mina met again, barely a week later. With ice cream cones in their hand, Midoriya broke the calm silence. 

"Mina-chan...I-" Midoriya started, unsure of how to phrase his words.

"Go on!" Ashido encouraged, making Izuku smile. 

"Well, I...I've realised. I'm not strong-"

"You take that back!" Mina instantly retorted, getting up from her seat next to the grenette and standing to face him. "It was your big brains and badass moves that totally saved us!"

Blushing, Izuku shook his head and continued speaking, "Yes, my brains! What happens when there's a time where I need to actually fight or use self defence?"

Well...just because he managed to save some people this one time didn't mean he could ever be able to do it again- and plus, the heroes would have handled that so much better than skate-board around a villain right?! Nevertheless...even if Izuku still wanted to be a hero...he just couldn't be. 

It was better to give up now, then be hurt even more. 

The dream had been one of the only things that carried on making Izuku function and live...Izuku didn't know how he would cope if his dream had to be crushed up and close, instead of Midoriya putting it to rest himself. 

But..self defence was still important, wasn't it? And he could always use a few extra skills for the future...

And plus, even though Izuku wasn't becoming a hero, he seemed to always end up in scenarios where people needed saving so...he was just taking on his social responsibility, and helping his neighbourhood. 

So, although he was taking up on Mina's request, it didn't mean he wanted to be a hero...right?

"So...I want to take up on your offer, Mina-chan, and learn dance with you! But, while we're doing that...

Would you like to learn how to fight too?"

Ashido's eyes widened minutely, before an excited grin spread across her face, her amber eyes lighting up with challenge. 

"Oh heck ya, Midobabes!"

As Mina rambled, they started walking towards the park, before Izuku's eyes caught a pair of crimson ones. 


For a second, Izuku had half a mind to look away, to run away. 

But...Izuku had saved people. 

He'd saved Himawari-kun, Mina-chan, and even spoken up for Shoji-kun! 

Although Izuku was still worthless, he wasn't entirely so to some people! And they were even willing to become friends with him. 

Himawari texted him all the time, since Izuku found it better to not reveal his identity, incase Asahi connected Midoriya to The Viridant Hope. 

Shoji met up with him every-so-often, and was always willing to give advice. 

And Mina...she was his best friend, and although saying that triggered a sense of mourning Izuku still had for his friendship with Kacchan, Midoriya had come to realise that what he shared with Kacchan? 

It wasn't friendship. It wasn't an awkward, strained friendship, that still had hopes of coming back alive. 

It was dead. Him and Katsuki. Their friendship was gone- long gone, if only Izuku had stopped to accept that. 

And so Izuku met his gaze, and for once in his life, Katsuki looked away first, and Midoriya felt an unusual sense of confidence. 

Mina gave him a questioning gaze, but Izuku shook his head to assure her nothing was wrong. 

In fact, for one, Izuku felt as if his life was going perfectly righteous. 

With Mina by his side, Izuku strided past Katsuki, breaking free from the mental chains keeping Midoriya trapped to Bakugou's side. 

Izuku wasn't quite free yet, but he was getting there. 

He was going to soar. 


Bakugou was walking in the park, when Katsuki's eyes caught onto a pair of viridant ones.


The blonde could tell that for a split second, the nerd seemed to cower in fear, his usual expression of betrayed desperation flickered, an expression that he always wanted to explode so he couldn't see it but then...Deku looked at him head-on, eyes full of determination, and fearless. 

The eyes of a hero. 

And in those eyes, Katsuki saw his own reflection, and it looked...f*cking weak. 

He could make explosions, Deku couldn't. 

He had friends, Deku didn't...or so he thought, but that pink extra seemed to differentiate that. 

He was smart, Deku wasn't - but hadn't the nerd always been on par with him? Always managed to keep up with his grades, with his brain?

He was powerful, Deku shouldn't be...but was Katsuki only powerful because he could make explosions? Was the nerd on the same level, even better, at everything else Katsuki did?

If Katsuki really was so superior...then why the f*ck could he not have saved himself?

(Why couldn't the heroes have saved him either?)

Despite his pride, Bakugou looked away. 

He didn't want to think about this.

He didn't need to think about this. 

After all, he had One for All to master, and Katsuki is nothing if not dilligent. 


A/N: And done! Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter! Till next time!

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