Cut Straight Through the Shadows (to Sunset Futures)

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A/N: Hey all! Apologies for the inactivity, I took a break because of exams, but I'm back now! Hope you enjoy this chapter!


"Ughn..." Izuku groaned, cracking his eyes open before immediately closing them, as blaring lights threatened to worsen his headache; it was like his head was screaming with every little noise, loud enough to deafen all his thoughts.

Where was he?

"Ah I see you're awake. Please take care, you have been unconscious for a while." a calm, albeit rather tired, voice spoke, awareness rippling in Midoriya's brain.

"W-who?" Izuku croaked out, voice hoarse and harsh.

Without a word, a hand gave him a glass of water, and he drank all of it, struggling to do it slowly. When Midoriya opened his eyes again, two figures stood in front of him, one- a rather ordinary man- with a tank coat, and another with long dark hair, and in comfortable attire.

"I am Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa, and this is my colleague, Aizawa. We're here to ask you a few questions about your encounter with Stain, once you're ready of course." the man in the coat said, voice almost robotic with how many times Izuku is sure he must have repeated those phrases; despite this, he could hear a tone of gentleness in it.

Nodding, Tsukauchi gave a brief smile.

"Legally, you have the right to know that my quirk is called 'Truth Detector' and essentially, it makes me able to know when you lie. Without further ado, let us begin."

In his usual state, Midoriya would be bursting to ask questions about the quirk, but understanding that this was a rather...peculiar situation (and he was also really damn tired), he decided to keep his brain silent for the little sanity he could maintain.

"Please state your name."

"M-Midoriya Izuku."


"Alias?" Izuku questioned, tilting his head to the side. "I...I don't have an alias?"

The man beside the Detective slightly narrowed his eyes, making Midoriya squeak slightly.

"Let's cut straight to the chase." the dark headed man said, eyes suddenly shining with a strange gleam.

"Are you the Viridant Hope?"

With a startle, Izuku flushed as he heard that name the media referred to him as; a name of such high importance.

A name so undeserving of him.

"Well...uh, technically, yes but-"


"And your partner would be Pink Prime, yes?" the dark haired man continued, not letting Midoriya breath to think.


"Please answer me." the man urged, and Izuku gulped at the sight of the almost distrust he could see in Aizawa's eyes.


"Mido!" a familiar voice exclaimed, the hospital door banging open with the force. There in the doorway stood Mina, her fluffy hair slightly messier than usual, and amber eyes slightly dilated. "Are you okay!?"

Looking around to acknowledge the other two presences, Ashido flushed a darker shade of pink, and Aizawa sighed.

"Well, I suppose that answers my question. Please sit down, Pink Prime."

Confusion visibly flashed through the girl, but regardless, she obeyed and sat down on the hospital bed next to Izuku- who having had time, came to a conclusion.

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