To The Rhythm of My Heart (The Future Changes In Time)

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A/N: One last update before school starts once again! 


"C'mon Midoriya, once more!" Nakano-sensei chorused, not for the first time that day, "A bit more to the left!"

Sweat dripped down his face like rain, a full-bodied ache resonating in his very bones. 

It was a good ache though- an ache of hard work. 

Alongside him, Mina seemed to be in just about the same state, her rose pink curls sticking to her matching skin. 

God, the air burned. 

"Amazing!" Nakano cheered, just as they finished their routine and the music ended. "Go drink some water, you guys deserve it." 

Izuku had only been training with Nakano-sensei for about two weeks, but he could already see himself falling in love with dancing. At first, he was utterly stiff like a robot, but within a few days, he had already started to become more fluid and practiced with his own body. 

The beat of the music that thrummed energy in him. 

The feeling of the wind as he twirled around with new-found grace. 

It was just amazing! 

With summer break approaching in a few weeks, Izuku was sure that he could nail down the new routine Nakano was cooking up, and also start with the fighting practice on the other side of the studio. 

If everything would go to plan, of course.


Inko may be a busy woman with way too many shifts, but she wasn't oblivious to her dear child. 

Throughout the years, she had seen the light slowly start dwindling in that bright smile of her son, and yet she had never found a way on how to ignite it once again, without letting him burn. 

Then, in just a month, his smile had slowly but steadily become glowing and beautiful. 

It was the smile of her little hero. 

And yet... she couldn't help the next words that came out of her lips. The words that made her feel traitorous, feel ugly, feel....disgusted. 

Feel like she didn't deserve to be a mother, if she could only half-ass the job. 

"Izuku.." she started, while her son was half-way through shovelling curry rice in his mouth. 

Obediently, he placed his chopsticks down, looking up at her with big, curious eyes. 

"Yeah Mum?" 

"Well, I've seen you brighten up lately! I've been very happy about it! But Izu, I know you are...well, you are adventurous! You aren't doing anything that will be dangerous to you, right?"

Smiling gently, Izuku leaned over and put a smooth hand on his mother's worn ones.

"Mum, of course not! I've just been doing new hobbies with Mina, like I told you remember?"

"Well, yes I know but..." Inko chewed on her thoughts, tentatively placing down her spoon, "It's just I'm...doubtful."

Trying to push down the growing dollop of dread growing in his gut, Midoriya pushed a little further. 

"Of...of what?"

Green of emeralds met moss viridant, and Izuku felt his throat clench up. 

"Are you...are you doubtful that Mina is really a good friend for me?"

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